Pichi 🟪🍖🐹🎩 🍡🌸 pfp
Pichi 🟪🍖🐹🎩 🍡🌸
I survived my hike. This video is NSFW because I was a tiny bit scared and I cursed…a lot because I heard some weird animal noises and you can hear the concern in my voice. Wear headphones if you are around other people. But I made it back safely.
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yerbearserker.base.eth 🧉🎯 pfp
yerbearserker.base.eth 🧉🎯
Came for the profanity. Stayed for the anatomy. That's a solid find there! The fact that they're so clean etc would make me feel decent about it not being fresh fresh but I definitely understand the feeling. I ran into a few bears during my school years. Had to walk 25 mins to the bus stop and a chunk of that through the forest 😂 One time I accidentally walked (in the dark b/c it was early morning in the winter) into the middle of a herd of elk that had bedded down on either side of my trail. #LifeInCanada 😂 🫡
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