yehoshzl pfp



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yehoshzl pfp
Nike down big Starbucks down big Chegg down huge At what point do any of these get interesting…?
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yehoshzl pfp
New FC playground? Where do I sign? I got my Moxie Pass! Mint yours to be eligible for upcoming airdrops, grants, Fan Tokens and more! cc @betashop.eth @airstack.eth
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yehoshzl pfp
The fact that this is soooo true doesn't make it any easier to do on a daily basis.
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yehoshzl pfp
$INVZ is a contrarian bet that I think can make a 2-4x over the next 12 months. High risk and definitely not for the faint of heart. Will write up a long thesis at some point. Do you have contrarian long bets that have outsized risk rewards?
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yehoshzl pfp
EthCC fomo is real.
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yehoshzl pfp
Dude. You can't hit the sun with a pistol. You need at least a gun 3 times bigger.
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yehoshzl pfp
I keep wondering about this when it comes to the big four. It feels like the right time to sell based on market sentiment and valuation. But when has it ever been the right time not to be in the big four? Never.
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yehoshzl pfp
Any big moves next week? What’s on your radar?
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yehoshzl pfp
Be greedy when others are fearful
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yehoshzl pfp
Crypto volatility has prepared me so so well for stock volatility 😆
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yehoshzl pfp
“When we’re at all time highs is when things are most dangerous” I’m seeing this statement/meta everywhere. It feels truthful and scary. But…How many times was this said and we went on to new all time highs? Every. Single. Time. Is this time different?
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yehoshzl pfp
Love to see dwr get back to ruthless customer observation roots
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yehoshzl pfp
Imagine the current points/airdrop meta in web2 terms: Fly United and get to vote in shareholder meetings!! So cool. Right?
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yehoshzl pfp
When does a trade become an investment and when should it...just stay a trade? Sharing my thoughts later today on my $AAPL trade and case study on
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yehoshzl pfp
New app just dropped, first mix of social and finance, that I am excited about. 1) like content? tip the creator. 2) like a creator? Purchase a ticket 3) tips are split between Content creator and ticket holders. Incentivizes ticket holders to share content - solves distribution. A big pain point for creators. Try it out :)
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yehoshzl pfp
$ADBE reported yesterday. Great results, huge move in the after hours reflecting how low expectations were. Results were good but not 15% up good…except for stock was pricing in a miss.
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yehoshzl pfp
Love bozo of the week replacing bad boys. Gotta have at least one of them
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yehoshzl pfp
This played out really fast. Up ~%12 in three days. Now I’m wondering if I should fade this short term as most of the announcements were for future products not rolled out yet. OTOH this will drive largest upgrade cycle for iPhones is a loooooong time.
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yehoshzl pfp
I would not be fading Apple post WWDC. Lots of ppl have been waiting for a catalyst to upgrade. AI is the excuse and that will drive $AAPL to new highs.
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yehoshzl pfp
We appreciate the pod from consensus. 🫡 Not easy doing one from a conference
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