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Why does NFT have buyers? NFTs can be purchased as a financial investment, an emotional purchase, a collector's item, or a way to connect the buyer with the creator of the non-fungible token.  Buying this type of asset can be similar to collecting postage stamps, old coins or
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NFT or Non-Traditional Tokens are a special and exclusive type of cryptocurrencies that have penetrated various industries due to their unmatched and unique nature and currently have many applications. The existence of these applications has changed the understanding of the nature of NFT and other tokens.
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Oh, look! Only 1 week ago I discovered $FOMO by TOCD Studio(@tocd) and now they are listed on Coingecko. Guess where the price of $FOMO token will go? Did you earn $FOMO points for potential airdrop? Share this cast and receive 30,000 $FOMO Tip allowance $FOMO to every wallet. $FOMO to $1 /omof
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What changes might happen in the NFTs market after Ethereum? Probably, the NFT market will improve with the reduction of energy consumption and transaction costs, and of course, these changes may be accompanied by issues such as possible attacks.
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What is public blockchain? In public blockchain, data and transactions are publicly and transparently located on the network. All members of the network can view all transactions and changes made to the blockchain.
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Roberto Cavalli is a famous name in the world of fashion and clothing, a creative and innovative Italian designer who revolutionized the fashion world with his boldness and innovation. Using bold colors, unique designs and special fabrics, he created a unique style that remains popular to this day.
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OpenSea – The largest NFT marketplace In the list of the best nft platforms for buying and selling, the first option is awarded to the OpenSea market. is a decentralized marketplace for buying, selling, and even discovering non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Ethereum blockchain.
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Zora site is a popular platform for NFT brand holders who usually use it to mint their digital assets. This platform is designed based on 2-layer blockchain, which aims to give users easy access to their assets and reduce transaction costs.
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In 2022, around 10% of global GDP, amounting to $8.6 trillion, was projected to be transferred to blockchain by 2027 (source: World Economic Forum, 2022). This figure shows the very high potential of integrating real-world assets with blockchain platforms
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🤔Zora’s mission is to make creating on the internet free and valuable. Minting makes information free and accessible to everyone while accruing value to the creator. Zora is bringing the world’s imagination onchain so more people can realize more from their ideas.✅
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I love traditional design and there is a certain calmness to it. What do you think about traditional design?
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Basenet is an open source ecosystem that serves as the base for Coinbase's exchange products. This network is an open space for developers and people who want to create scalable solutions and decentralized applications on the Ethereum network.
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The future of the second layer project BASE BASE digital currency can have a huge impact on the digital currency space. Firstly, the launch of the Layer 2 project will change the conditions of coinbase and this exchange can experience better performance against its traditional competitor, Binance.
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Zora Network is a Layer 2 network on Ethereum, built using Optimism's OP Stack open source program. Thanks to this technology, Zora transactions are processed off-chain, resulting in lower fees.
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Here, it is necessary to point out that withdrawal from the Zora network is done through two ways: Zora Instant Bridge and Zora Native Bridge
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Zora's goal is to respect the rights of content creators and artists, changing the way each NFT work receives the royalties it deserves. This is why Zora is not just an NFT marketplace, but a place that provides tools for people to create unique works on the platform.
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NFTs as utility tokens... The nature of NFT as a key lies in their unique digital DNA. In effect, each token is a separate entity, a unique point in the digital chain that can be used to grant access. Less than a week after launch, Base becomes the premier Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) chain for NFT transfers.
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For the convenience of users, Zora Marketplace supports ETH, USDC and various ERC-20 tokens. Another advantage of the Zora platform is that others multiply the creator pool, so you, as the NFT creator, have peace of mind about the severance costs.
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A review of the chain's data shows that the increase in TVL's base has kept pace with the expansion of its user base. The number of daily active users of Base exceeded 5 million this week, and its total revenue exceeded 36 million dollars. What do you think about this?
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The importance of documentation in software development cannot be overstated. How can developers create effective documentation that is both comprehensive and easy to understand?
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