Xuân Mai pfp

Xuân Mai


171 Following

Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
9 月 12 日,据官方消息,Arbitrum 研发团队 Offchain Labs 宣布与 Espresso Systems 达成合作,双方将共同研发 Timeboost 交易定序器,并将支持 Arbitrum 技术堆栈、Timeboost 排序和 Espresso Sequencer 之间的技术集成。Timeboost 系统可防止有害形式的 MEV,该模型依赖于密封投标优先 Gas 拍卖顺序。从本质上讲,Timeboost 引入了一项新功能,交易可以支付优先费,以获得排序中的小「时间提升」。 公告称,Espresso Systems 正在优先考虑与 Arbitrum 技术堆栈的集成,并将 Timeboost 引入 Espresso Sequencer。
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
I am moving closer and closer to Brussels. EthCC coming soon. I dream of seeing everyone sooner. My expectations: networking, new acquaintances, delicious food, great mood, lots of positivity. What are your expectations? https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/2361067f20d9632dbcd9e5c19ddbea1cf5c7f255de3328963ea7bb75756f40e5.jpg
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
MW3 Search & Destroy happy memorial day! Live Chat at https://bloomers.tv/kontak
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
Hey, everyone! 👋 At Console, We've been hosting **Twitter AMAs** for **Console**, **our web3 chat-focused platform**, every **Monday** at **5 PM EST**. 💫 *We'd love to see you at an upcoming space!* 🪐** You can find us on Twitter <at> consoledao. 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 ✳ RSVP ✳ 👉 https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1RDxlaYkjOOKL?s=20 🔗 **Other Ways to Learn about Console:** **1.** Listen to a past space, or search "Console DAO" in Your Podcast Platform of Choice **2.** Sign your community up for our beta at console.xyz **3.** Check out a recent blog post at blog.console.xyz https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/bafybeicx3shppbek6hj44vcue4qtgyc3g5fnsugdzks2olh4n6w2ucr3ai
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
I just followed my first person on Lens, @roundpotatocat.lens https://media0.giphy.com/media/tuvMgAPzxaQBq/giphy.gif?cid=9f0f6425oazdiuq9lw4jtfwaznocjp4yu918z6rtx2jet3nq&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
All of those beats you’ve been collecting that say unlimited use are also royalty free 🤯 dont gotta give me a thing. If you want to use any of them commercially do your thing. If you need the clearance license just lmk. Dms are always open for questions and commissions as well 🙏🏽
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
gm lens coffee club https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/QmWkHBHwwpxPBR7HDikm11GaJ9URbiJ8DnKNcv7ryhk7ax
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
gm professssionnallls, looks good. eat it. 🍟
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
i always offered myself and anyone knowledge as a cure to almost anything wrong with us. (like, if you know better, you'll do better). but lately it feels like dispelling ignorance with knowledge is never going to be enough - so, i come to a new ideal and i think you'd agree to its truth too: what really change us are the things we feel regardless of the things we know.
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
GM to all the Gotchi Gang on Lens https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/bafkreigtd7rpgcxhxa66pnyovjeh4szzong27vx53wubotyitmiagd27sq
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
ETH ETF approve?
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
GMGMGM AIN’T NOBODY GIVING UP LESGO https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/d5a2438ebccf41d666fd398d50d857b687c005247f7b6e80a23385701687a27e.jpg
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
“You have no frame of reference, Donny. You’re like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie.” https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/bafkreihqo2z4cbme2umnn36dkdvhp3zo6bzv57mvif5rgc3m3o7tbsp45i
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
It is almost like meme lines do actually work. $WARPIE https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/dc73f855238ed673e28a5798d3a6a7163572c1104c9f9d342b5b011223146f39.png
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
When you love someone ❤️ https://images.lens.phaver.com/insecure/raw:1/plain/47bd52bc692d5c011018aa32b3ea94fd
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
New Gotchi Guardians drops in a little over an hour, and then there's a session with the devs an hour later. I'll probably be streaming it.<https://discord.gg/g3C2Rawu?event=1240393230755823726>
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
Gm @pooltogether.lens fam. Less than 24 hours remain of the Arbtic Games. Do you have what it takes to reach the top of the Pooly leaderboard? Or is @nelsonrodmar.lens going to claim the number 1 NFT? https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/bafybeif4d7mmyi7z3khcy7i4kia732ijp6v6sytqfr2dy4mmcypdy37hse
139 replies
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60 reactions

Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
What do you think of my first AI creation? 1/1 "Biology without makeup" https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/bafybeigj35sqwmkjob5n3pu2frjg4jmvdrrlslvabgysqhlkbjmhgqom7i
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Xuân Mai pfp
Xuân Mai
GM, happy Monday ☀️ https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/bafybeigkhpzumvrgd6x5qra4zzh4wfrwunkdfqtgyycrn3ktynx7hyltcq
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