Xtalortt pfp



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Xtalortt pfp
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Xtalortt pfp
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Xtalortt pfp
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Xtalortt pfp
In my office, the majority of the staff are men. Many of them think that this is a good thing, but in fact it is a punishment. Most of them think that women are only decorations at work, that women's brains work worse than men's, and that women cannot be bosses. And then I get promoted to department head. My department immediately goes into sabotage. None of the assignments are not fulfilled, on all minor issues run to me, after a working day fig who waits for someone to stay ... In general, a total mess. The director says that before me everything worked, so it's me. Yesterday I burst into tears at the meeting from injustice, which received reproaches that I am “hysterical”. I am on the verge of dismissal, although I realize with my mind that this is what they want.... #life #history #interesting
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Xtalortt pfp
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Xtalortt pfp
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Xtalortt pfp
I've been married for 20 years. Imagine, my husband for the first time doubted my fidelity, made DNA tests to all our three children secretly from me. I have nothing against it really do not have anything against, but you openly say about your suspicions and in general - the children are an absolute copy of him as a xerox, even moles are the same, and he does this ... Who put him up to it? Friends, mother-in-law, sister? They all dislike me for some reason, but to do this.... #life #history #interesting
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Xtalortt pfp
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Xtalortt pfp
There was a corporate party in the country. We took pictures, fooled around, danced, ate delicious food. My husband saw a picture of a colleague putting his head on my lap. We were just sitting on a bench talking and he decided to lie down. We were photographed from the side and he saw a video of me dancing with another coworker. The whole thing was put on a public chat room and I was lying there watching. My husband saw it too. Now my husband demands that I resign and that I behave indecently, indecent and judging by the photos, so slutty behaved only me. In short, quit or divorce. 5 years of marriage and no trust we could develop. #life #history #interesting
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Xtalortt pfp
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Xtalortt pfp
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Xtalortt pfp
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Xtalortt pfp
@xtalortt https://warpcast.com/push-/0x6fa6bf74
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Xtalortt pfp
@xtalortt My boyfriend is a lover and was raised by his mom. He's just unfit for life. He can't even heat his own food. I make breakfast, lunch at work, dinner too. I recently got a promotion and that's it, I'm working hard while I get up to speed. During this time, the guy almost set a fire at home when he decided to heat food in foil, then boiled dumplings to the state of porridge, then he boiled the water and flooded the entire stove and there something shorted out. He doesn't make money to deliver food every day, I'm freaking out you can't imagine how... I don't get enough fiddling at work. #life #history #interesting
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Xtalortt pfp
@xtalortt https://warpcast.com/amc/0x51a90171
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Xtalortt pfp
@xtalortt https://warpcast.com/thedude/0xd4fd6726
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Xtalortt pfp
@xtalortt I have a studio apartment where we live together with my husband and daughter. I have been married for 5 years. My husband has stated that he needs an heir. And where should I give birth to him? In a one-room apartment? He says we'll manage. I don't think so, I think we should work on a new lawn. Last week my pregnancy pills disappeared, I thought I'd lost them, so I went and bought new ones. My husband is happy and says we're definitely having a son and told me I've been unprotected for a week. Told him he was an asshole. #life #history #interesting
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Xtalortt pfp
@xtalortt https://warpcast.com/naomiii/0xfdbf7e29
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Xtalortt pfp
@xtalortt https://warpcast.com/thedude/0x51a2645d
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Xtalortt pfp
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