小米  pfp



1000 Following

小米  pfp
However long the night, the dawn will break.
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小米  pfp
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66 recasts
140 reactions

小米  pfp
I am on side of Team Elon #ElonVsMark https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/42bfda7e5bbc2a1cf78ef04cd5fdbd80839351c80f5a31b2be0d3de73f26c8aa.gif
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61 recasts
124 reactions

小米  pfp
I just created DogAI using titlesxyz to earn $DOG and ownthedoge. Mint: #lens #web3 https://titles.xyz/collect/base/0x25f57b8e7273d0fee7237b1a3f9c489d603328d8 via titlesxyz https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSvjx3jlhsXma8HSCTnQqrBuNItz-Kmba-8Cg&s
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49 recasts
103 reactions

小米  pfp
Shanghai Upgrade. 12 April. Get ready. https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/QmdpBHcpmAoDvGT2Uhk3cJxzhu6H8E3PsL6auPqufowr65
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61 recasts
104 reactions

小米  pfp
Gm 🩵 https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/2df46e4ecbdd7530a73d06d8c46bf2b80b66e8ce6254acf150b573ee6d79061c.png
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24 recasts
44 reactions

小米  pfp
we are all about slowing down, touching grass + reconnecting with what matters most here is a little peak into stevie, our 1960s disco cowboy-themed shasta his firepit overlooks the pond + is what campfire dreams are made of we'll be sharing more photos from astrid park in support of #summeroflens #ethcc span className="hidden" This post is included in the ethcc round (0xa2ae8421776035c398c22e143290697da09d19d7) at quadraticlenster.xyz /span https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/bafybeidp7j7pzfh7ltqsginchpborai4mnmg65hqv5upmhzzawdpxyotw4
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36 recasts
82 reactions

小米  pfp
vibrate with the resonance of truth.
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10 recasts
22 reactions

小米  pfp
Do not forget this: https://snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x331603498dd2beb9d9f8ff960a0d7d8fb902783b9ae15a6012086451e49acfb1 https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSX3gKKWcMOVE96sgN0b-z8yH4jyApOyp5pAA&s
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50 recasts
100 reactions

小米  pfp
Phaver rasied $7M seed funding Congrat Phaver, congrat team https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/d3d73109ec5967d2e191d322fc4a8e8e49d7e3dbe172e1681ff04b30b75b779b.jpg
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13 recasts
14 reactions

小米  pfp
ヤバイどうしよ…ガチでやらかした…… 午後の紅茶を午前に飲んでしてもうた…… もう学校も退学なるし少年院入んのもほぼ確定やん…… 明日には警察が俺のTwitter垢探してくるやろし今の内に垢消すわ。 みんな今までありがとう。 元気でな… https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/8fac17040a655d13b1bab9b46cf7247e680e7601
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36 recasts
87 reactions

小米  pfp
ヤバイどうしよ…ガチでやらかした…… 午後の紅茶を午前に飲んでしてもうた…… もう学校も退学なるし少年院入んのもほぼ確定やん…… 明日には警察が俺のTwitter垢探してくるやろし今の内に垢消すわ。 みんな今までありがとう。 元気でな… https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/8fac17040a655d13b1bab9b46cf7247e680e7601 https://canhrau.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/nhung-hinh-anh-phong-canh-dep-nhat-hinh-21.png
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12 recasts
16 reactions

小米  pfp
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5 recasts
13 reactions

小米  pfp
Used to the things are can be taken, especially when you have to face the change.
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22 recasts
51 reactions

小米  pfp
✨🕹️🔔 You can now get daily notifications to play your favorite frame games in the buttrfly mobile app! Enable daily reminders for your desired frame from the Frames & Apps screen, and never miss a day. Reminders can be disabled any time. Guess the Movie, Framedl, Farguessr, and Yoink are supported. If you’re a frame or mini app developer and want these reminders enabled for your frame/app please let me know. https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/da7f4eb97c9d00f92c97e4f027d02db97090b243fe179416c0bca94f5df9566b.jpg
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36 recasts
70 reactions

小米  pfp
Discovering ✨Phi🏝️ × Lens🌿✨ Collect my post for free and I collect yours if you need it too! Let's get this 5+ count! #Yasai
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24 recasts
50 reactions

小米  pfp
if it's not collectible with $BONSAI did it even happen?
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5 recasts
24 reactions

小米  pfp
Gm bulls https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/QmbSty1oEHdBYWedKbYYoYB4oJTto2z9eRYiasNF1UW7wR
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15 recasts
24 reactions

小米  pfp
Wanna help me with my onchain art chainmail experiment built on trust and using zoranetwork as part of the medium ✨ https://zora.co/collect/zora:0xade0ca8f0195d5e3b20c5cf79400033440df57a3/8?referrer=0xfa17d42e1d0a30498a1e5fae11d4648b76343e7b
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8 recasts
19 reactions

小米  pfp
bringing some fun to your feed with our signature fanny pack dance for #summeroflens if you look closely you can see followethrabbit.lens sporting a sismo.lens fanny pack from ethglobal.lens waterloo having a camper motel + being content creators go well together. plus we love seeing all the exciting content our guests create while staying with us. .1 wmatic collect, with a 15% mirror referral
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4 recasts
10 reactions