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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
Is here somebody who has a solid understanding of server side rendering on nextjs? I understand why you would want it but I have no idea how to think about it when building react components and I end up forcing everything to be rendered on the client side.
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
I am looking for a man in finance. Eh, I mean I am looking for accounting best practices in Solidity. E.g. how are you supposed to update many token balances at once in an EVM compatible smart contract? Does anyone have experiences with vast amounts of token balance updates in Solidity?
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
Recasting here to see what's what. Please reach out if you know how to do file storage on top of Ethereum.
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
Is there a file storage protocol built on top of Ethereum today? Something like Arweave. I thought maybe people build verifiable long term data storage solutions on top of Eigenlayer.
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
I am paraphrasing here. Ben makes a point that blockchain (referring to Ethereum) is the most important technology in terms of how the world works. A community owned utility that nobody owns and nobody controls. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_sNclEgQZQ
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
GM buildooors I have worked out a concept for an idea that I would like to build on top of farcaster. Who in here is interested in brainstorming a little to make that idea come true? I am looking for engineers who know what's up.
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
Just catching up with my watchlist. This banger talk from Research Day a while ago was actually super funny. Gets to show how Ethereum and all other blockchain networks deal with the same challenges only to arrive at the same destination eventually. You don't get around that big box in the middle. And that is also why the initial Solana vision is broken by design until proven otherwise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5809YJpbhFg
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
I have an idea that I would like to build on top of farcaster. Are there farcaster devs who are willing to hear me ramble and provide feedback to make this thing real? Looking for that hawk tuah energy. Just spat on dat tang.
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
What you see is not all there is. I like to think my view on the Ethereum ecosystem is a sane reflection of what actually matters. I am probably not getting everything right, but my thoughts are my thoughts and my writing is showing that. Last week I was writing from EthCC in Brussels. Happy to chat if you have any feedback! https://powerlaw.systems/memo-w28-jul-2024
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
Sounds about right when you hear it like that. The purpose of a system is what it actually ends up doing. All of the well intended people making decisions for whatever reason way too often end up realizing what second order effects are. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_purpose_of_a_system_is_what_it_does
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
Sorry not sorry it's all in German again. The video is about the impact of entitlement programs on the shadow economy in terms of undeclared labour, e.g. people being payed "under the table". The claim made here is that based on estimations made by economists, every other house in Austria would not have been built without the use of undeclared labour. Meaning, at this point the whole system depends on the shadow economy. It would be interesting to better understand if that was just always the case. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPNN9tyd2TY
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
This is what happens when humans think they can make better decisions than the simple principle of fair competition. https://x.com/Mark_J_Perry/status/1811872736064475635
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
Brussels allowed me to find some good fucking art today.
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
Something's up there is Brussels. WHAT DO THEY KNOW
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
In case somebody needs a gift idea. Why not a fancy puzzle box? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NreYBwzRQk
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
The following might be all symptomatic. I don't know whether good intentions just have bad results sometimes. But, whatever rule makes building bridges take 20 years today instead of 2 years in the past whatever rule prevents maintaining transportation infrastructure because a single tree cannot be cut down whatever rule slows down space travel because sharks could be hit by satellites whatever rule makes us have more administrators than students in universities whatever rule keeps leaders in office despite their blatant lies to the public whatever rule allows tax payer money to be thrown away for dumb shit nobody agrees with whatever rule keeps housing unaffordable for normal people whatever rule keeps electricity prices too high to build anything whatever rule keeps the rule book getting thicker and more complicated instead of cleaning up the mess in front of us whatever rule makes the government hire 80,000 people for the IRS instead of automating those processes
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
Recently saw this in the Museo Del Prado in Madrid. The picture here does not do justice at all to the experience standing right in front of the artwork. I was absolutely mesmerized by the Impasto and the play of light and shadow cast across the canvas. https://www.museodelprado.es/en/the-collection/art-work/the-banks-of-the-manzanares-in-the-fall/e1170a85-7a54-4ee5-b00f-a960d0a71637?searchid=fe809c16-4e11-d5f1-1650-9ff166bff7f4
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
Marc tells the story of how the internet happened. I cannot but notice all the parallels between internet and crypto developments along the arc of time. Butchering this from memory, but something along the lines of this. "even 20 years after it happened you still had people who couldn't believe that this is really a thing" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aTjA_bGZO4
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
Our political leaders are obsessed with the idea that money alone can solve problems. And they are putting more and more money to use inside of a regulatory regime, in which that very money gets stuck and grifted away, ending up achieving nothing much at all. We do not need more money. We need fewer stupid rules.
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xh3b4sd ↑ pfp
xh3b4sd ↑
I was just reading through a blog about "protocols" because the topic interests me in general. I quickly became bored and moved on because the writing buried the lead in a way that what I was looking for became rather inaccessible to me. I think many writers could create better work by simply giving people what they want according to the stated advertising. I am really not interested in fancy words or convoluted prose when I am looking to get inspired by ideas. It's all unnecessary fluff only to fill the page. And if you remove all of that baggage and you still see an empty page, then maybe you have nothing to say this time around. That is ok!
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