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xerberus  pfp
Oh boy, @polygonnetwork is struggling with the narrative and their network is shrinking. Learn this and more on https://app.xerberus.io/ethereum/riskVSgrowth The chart below shows you network growth vs. network risk. Network Risk = Current Price Risk (A network is defined as all the holders of an asset; smart contracts, validators, etc., are NOT included.)
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xerberus  pfp
Overwhelmed with the number of tokens minted? Don't worry anymore—Xerberus has your back with our On-Chain Risk Ratings, now live for Polygon as well. A risk rating provides you with an assessment of the stage a token is in, based on its network of wallet development (Graph Theory, lots of math). See for yourself at https://app.xerberus.io/token/overview. We will publish more documentation soon on how you can use these ratings.
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xerberus  pfp
What if you could know in advance when a project is about to rug? Imagine avoiding the pain of holding worthless tokens after insiders cash out, leaving you with nothing. Xerberus is here to change that. Our risk model will alert you when insiders start to check out, giving you the edge to act before it’s too late. Here’s a sample from the lab: green indicates a default, while blue shows high risk. Take Ardana, for instance—a rug pull. Our model would have flagged it as “defaulted” before the rug happened. Defaulted tokens will not come back in the next cycles, and their wallet activity has reached a terminal state. Our Risk Ratings and Default Warnings are tools you can use to quickly differentiate tokens that might have similar price patterns but whose internal activity is different. Use Xerberus to find true quality tokens and protect your investments. Your financial future is too important to leave to chance and influencer opinions.
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xerberus  pfp
Today, we talked to @waj from ORA! We love their vision of hosting decentralized AIs and open-sourcing this network—it sounds like a future worth living in. To honor this conversation, here's a picture of our model detecting risk in wallet networks. Cryptic, we know, yet still beautiful. Soon, you can find dynamic risk ratings for all ETH tokens on https://www.xerberus.io/. Our risk ratings provide you with the probability that a network defaults. Follow this account to learn what a network default is ;-)
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xerberus  pfp
Are you one of those sleuths? Check out Xerberus; we have a whole bunch of unsolved blockchain crimes and their node graphs listed there. All addresses are provided. What do you think is missing to make this a better product? Check out one of the reports: https://app.xerberus.io/siren/report/XER-5e947226-4079-4445-b1c0-b86471004779_ethereum
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xerberus  pfp
Got tired of influencers shilling their token? Use Xerberus to check which ecosystems are truly growing relative to their size. We use a neat clustering algorithm to ignore artificial growth such as airdrops that never move, etc. Our first post here! We got we got it right <3 Greetings from London.
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