Sharing something new exclusively to Farcaster! Introducing Laser, a new type of Ethereum wallet built for security. Laser is a wallet that combines EOAs (normal wallets like Metamask) with smart contract wallets to give you the ease of use of EOAs and the security of SCWs.
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Basically, you have an EOA hot wallet and a SCW cold wallet in one app. Your cold wallet securely holds the majority of your assets and only supports withdrawals to your hot wallet, which you use to interact with apps. Why is this important?
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We're making a wallet that can securely store all of your assets. The cold wallet is a modified multi-sig with recovery which is more secure than hardware wallets. Even if an attacker has access to your phone, they won’t be able to touch your funds.
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We’re making a super secure wallet easily accessible to everyone. Your cold wallet is on your phone in the same UI as your hot wallets. This is a huge improvement over hardware wallets and enables entirely new usage patterns. For example:
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Session wallets. You can create a temporary wallet for an app with a small amount of funds that get returned at the end of the session. This can be useful for security, privacy, or even just convenience.
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Cross-chain session wallets. Taking this a step further, you can bridge funds to your session wallets on other chains and return the funds at the end. This can be done automatically, so you never need to know what chain you're using.
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We're looking for alpha users! If you're interested in testing it out, send me a DC or a DM on Twitter @xboxue for an invite 🙂
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