xazina.eth 🎩
Profitability statistics for the $TRUMP token Positive balance ($TRUMP Holders in Profit): - 28 : Earned $10M+. - 424 : Profit from $1M to $10M. - 16,791 : Profit from $10k to $1M. - 50,636 : Profit from $1k to $10k. - 259,429 : Profit from $0 to $1k. Negative balance ($TRUMP Holders in Loss): - 33 : Losses of $10M+. - 367 : Losses from $1M to $10M. - 16,571 : Losses from $10k to $1M. - 65,763 : Losses from $1k to $10k. - 486,421 : Losses from $0 to $1k. Key conclusions: 1. Elite profiters: - The top 452 addresses earned millions in total, showing the dominance of large holders. 2. Wide retail interest: - More than 259 thousand addresses received a small profit within $1k. - Losses prevail in most smallholders. 3. Risks for whales: - 400 large addresses are in the loss zone of more than $1M, which creates the possibility of sudden movements when trying to exit the asset.
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Perfumer 🎩🖼️🎭🐹🍄
857 $DEGEN thanks
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