Jupiter  pfp



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Jupiter  pfp
Cognify, the prison of the future: a concept by Hashem Al-Ghaili https://youtu.be/YFUv4_lCBLY
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Jupiter  pfp
"Persistence is a very important element of success. If you knock on doors long enough, you're bound to wake someone up." „Настойчивость — очень важный элемент успеха. Если вы достаточно долго стучитесь в двери, вы обязательно кого-то разбудите.“
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Jupiter  pfp
Uni Zorb (Deluxe) Zora Network is launching on Uniswap !!! https://zora.co/collect/zora:0x7e8f28a51471a9a434505ac58ded39c422e73028/2?referrer=0x744690E59652949218390FCFf92f61BD9D2CEf59
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Jupiter  pfp
"We bears don't need wings. Bears don't fly." „Нам, медведям, крылья не нужны. Медведи не летают.“
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Jupiter  pfp
"The secret to change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new" „Секрет перемен заключается в том, чтобы сосредоточить всю свою энергию не на борьбе со старым, а на строительстве нового“
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Jupiter  pfp
GR-1 humanoid takes multi-camera approach to seeing the world around it https://newatlas.com/robotics/fourier-gr1-humanoid-camera-vision-perception/
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Jupiter  pfp
Check your Talent Passport 🪪
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Jupiter  pfp
" Life's greatest purpose is to increase the goodness in the world around us." « Самая большая цель жизни - увеличивать добро в окружающем нас мире»
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Jupiter  pfp
Summer Solstice https://zora.co/collect/zora:0x06e14395ff1ff95cfb6ddd79fce383d3a2309547/9?referrer=0x744690E59652949218390FCFf92f61BD9D2CEf59
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Jupiter  pfp
"A noble man makes demands on himself, a low man makes demands on others." „Благородный человек предъявляет требования к себе, низкий человек предъявляет требования к другим.“
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Jupiter  pfp
The ZKsync Airdrop https://app.layer3.xyz/quests/the-zksync-airdrop
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Jupiter  pfp
Claim Your Free CUBE #2 https://app.layer3.xyz/quests/claim-your-free-cube-2
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Jupiter  pfp
Check your $DEGEN Stats. Frame by @nikolaiii. If you like this frame, send him a tip.
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Jupiter  pfp
Good morning! "The whole world is a series of miracles, but we are so used to them that we call them ordinary things." «Весь мир - это череда чудес, но мы так привыкли к ним, что называем их обычными вещами»
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Jupiter  pfp
EOS-X Space announces upcoming balloon flights to the edge of outer space https://newatlas.com/space/eos-x-space-ballon-flights-outer-space/
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Jupiter  pfp
Are you an Arb Degen? Flex your score in the /arbitrum channel & win 1 ETH 💰
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Jupiter  pfp
"A fool is he who does not know that little is more than much." „Глупец тот, кто не знает, что мало – это больше, чем много.“
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Jupiter  pfp
"There is no limit to human possibility, to the power of words and the power of the mind." „Нет предела человеческим возможностям, силе слова и силе ума.“
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Jupiter  pfp
AI-controlled batteries unlock 10% more capacity and 25% longer life https://newatlas.com/energy/ai-controlled-battery-management-system-more-power-longer/
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Jupiter  pfp
"A poor man is not the one who doesn't have a penny in his pocket, but the one who doesn't have a dream." „Бедный человек не тот, у которого нет ни гроша в кармане, а тот, у которого нет мечты.“
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