nikita🎩 pfp



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nikita🎩 pfp
Recently I expirienced IRL work for the first time. And I was surprised: web 3 was making my life so easy. Instead of that hard work with hands I just clicked buttons on my keyboard and earned the money that some adults can only earn in years of hard work. And I didn't think about that before. I was thinking "ooh i'm doing such hard stuff, i'm thinking! yea that's why i'm earning more than these adults" but I didn't realise then how wrong I was. Yes, I'm still young and it's ok for me to make mistakes, but not that big. I was devaluing all the hard work my parens have done in their years. I still can't see the full picture of it. And this is what I wanted to say today because of those thoughts: I am very thankful to web 3 for giving me a chance to find friends and get expirience. Maybe now I should think of ways where I should put my earnings: to trade some shitcoins and with 90% chance lose these money, or withdraw them to IRL to help family. Thanks.
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nikita🎩 pfp
It's a secret message which is possible to view only by completing special steps, which only qualified magicians know. And for your luck I am one them!😼 But there are several requirements to be able to understand them, because we can give this information only in our, Magicians' language. So here are the steps: 1. Be active. 2. Be reply guy. 3. Eat Hot Dogs. If you meet the requirements, then reply me with your secret code. I'll wait as much as needed.
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nikita🎩 pfp
This wouldn't be nice actually, for example: This photo of a moment is very popular and lots of people use it as their pfp. And besides this it would be too easy to bypass just by downloading the file, which makes different file and it's not the same anymore. If we would try to stop them by checking amount of pixels in the same position and/or RGB (like 80% match) then we would make NFTs from PFPs, and it would be a lot harder to find something beautiful on Pinterest :D
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nikita🎩 pfp
ok I'm not so good at photoshop and it was at least about-good the picture she drew is really beautiful!😻 I'm impressed that kids at such young age can draw that well, because I drew bad always (from 5 to these days :d )
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nikita🎩 pfp
If my holdings will be equal zero from the start, then I'm never going to sell and can name myself a proud holder of anything!🧐
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nikita🎩 pfp
ga! didn't gm because was building irl from 6am to 2pm and got rly tired, so couldn't even open my phone, gotta sleep a lil later, but rn I still got web 3 work, so no time for rest😾 where's my favourite replyooors?? :(
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nikita🎩 pfp
time from time I see people going through hard path all alone, and I can't imagine how're they doing it all, like bro I can't do anything for >1 week alone, like that's boring and you feel depressed and all that stuff With party of homies everything becomes better: working, going to gym, playing, watching stuff, eating, teaching, and all of that yea, sometimes we're alone, but not for so long as some do. or maybe we'll expirience that, who knows, but that must be rly bad maybe that's the weakness of people: no one's gonna gurantee that people you met today playing cs are good/bad or gonna change your life. But there is always a chance and you must believe in it! there will be a shining light in everyone's life for sure and you just have to prepare for it. You must find new connections always, because it makes life WAY easier😼
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nikita🎩 pfp
GM slept today really well, and starting watching new lecture early because today have fallen asleep in the middle of it lmao how's your morning going?🐣
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nikita🎩 pfp
GN homies🐣 been pretty busy today with work, so didn't have enough time to be active in da purple app work is still not completed, so looks like I'll have to stay late today, first time this month gn to those who gn, gm to those who gm, ga to those who ga
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nikita🎩 pfp
Same thing over there broski :( looks like @sayangel did something wrong while making an update for action and now we're all bots🐱
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nikita🎩 pfp
Decided to clean up follows a little and found out that some of people I know left warpcast. Looks like these guys don't know what's cooking up here👀 👀
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nikita🎩 pfp
gm starting day waking up early and lil-cleaning in my room, because it feels like I didn't clean up for centuries oh and also i'll get myself nuggetssss for the dinner! love them so much😼
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nikita🎩 pfp
sweet dreams homies!😼 just finished watching a lecture about computer science and the only thing I can say is that it's SO HARD I knew that as a person that doesn't give a damn about CS I won't understand much, but the given information was so far away from my knowledge thank god the speaker was a rly nice guy :3
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nikita🎩 pfp
minted one @degentokenbase x @rarible hat! congrats with such big collab, @degentokenbase !😼
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nikita🎩 pfp
just don't look at the charts and continue replying! that's the way😼🥞
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nikita🎩 pfp
I got some trouble with my node: On alchemy it shows that node is working and accepts requests, but in my console it's just stuck. should I feel like I should trust alchemy, cuz there is no reason for it to not work. i gotta hope everything is working fine, cuz in other way i'll be sad asf:(
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nikita🎩 pfp
gm is threre any way to put my pc with node into a sleep mode with working node? because I just found out that in sleep mode node isn't working (ik im stupid) and I need to minimise the amount of electricity used and 24/7 working node
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nikita🎩 pfp
gn had not that productive day because of the village but anyway spending time with your grandparents is very important but I think that the village wasn't the main reason for unproductive day. it means that the laziness is taking over, which is why I must fight it no matter what and you too, if you don't want to lose.
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nikita🎩 pfp
damn I feel that so much I can't let myself buy crisps which cost 2$, but I let myself spend 400$ on mint of some bullshit which went to 0 in 10 minutes
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nikita🎩 pfp
That's exactly what I'm doing! Waiting for getting rewarded by a Power God😼 🥞
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