wiz pfp



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wiz pfp
krel and olli killing it w/ camp rn
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wiz pfp
tipping culture has reached a local maximum. incentive is small so it leads to min effort to qualify for rewards. think prop house works better in the long run. what does a mix of rounds / ph look like?
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wiz pfp
decent amount of liq on farcaster but it isn’t really flowing into projects. anyone have an idea why?
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wiz pfp
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wiz pfp
one way to attract more engineering talent is to remove the requirement that software should directly benefit the dao. nouns doesn’t necessarily need software catered for it. it just needs meme distribution (which can be done through branding/recognition)
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wiz pfp
technology scales. a doctor does not. i understand why people think it’s unfair that real world jobs don’t get as much attention or $$$ compared to software. but they are playing in two entirely different arenas. study leverage and study maximizing impact with as few dollars as possible
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wiz pfp
still underoptimized for attracting devs, should be no #1 focus
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wiz pfp
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wiz pfp
a prediction market where people could bet on prop outcomes and be rewarded in $nouns is a really good idea. reward people good at governance
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wiz pfp
any farcaster round client updates?
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wiz pfp
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wiz pfp
i heard if you know how to write code you can get like 100k building on the Nouns protocol
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wiz pfp
fr this is the one
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wiz pfp
nouns needs more people like sam. pay attention to him, he's good
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wiz pfp
only included “$” for emphasis but it’s obvious to me now
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wiz pfp
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wiz pfp
founder of prominent nft collection drops token which captures the communities cultural energy and increases distribution of meme. market giga sends. still undervalued imo
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wiz pfp
some people look at Nouns and see silly art, software, and a grant framework to fund creators i look at Nouns and see a speed run through the formation of an onchain nation state. it's messy and complex, but it's fragile. and to succeed, requires an unwavering dedication to good and just governance above all else
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wiz pfp
torn between $nouns and $wtf
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wiz pfp
$nouns would kill the arb 🫡
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