wiz pfp



154 Following

wiz pfp
bros minor contributions are achieving outsized returns in performance for ai agents. industry is in max experimentation mode and tech is very accessible to most with a bit of coding chops the papers are just using big words which i think scares most away. implementing them is not too complicated
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wiz pfp
see lots of similarities in the state of ai industry w/ crypto. many academics and not enough competent eng to implement theory. sweet spot
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wiz pfp
agentic ai is surprisingly accessible now
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wiz pfp
think a more fun governance model looks like a multi-round elimination game. protocol can make revenue charging a small fee to vote. voters get paid by collecting the fees from round losers. speculators make money by trading socialfi-esque assets of proposers. daos can then refocus from governing protocols to only managing token distribution
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wiz pfp
good try guys im not doxxing
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wiz pfp
fund the ogs launching products. sad to me that things like scoop, castout, etc are not getting grants (or the founders feel like they can't ask for one) but are the people providing the most brand value. it's a no brainer. these are the "builders" we were always supposed to fund
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wiz pfp
i realized everything i want to say is probably better as a series of blog posts
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wiz pfp
scoooop! 🤌
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wiz pfp
i started a streak. prepare for some good takes but also many low effort casts
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wiz pfp
one of the most delightful apps i've used in a while. it's obv a lot of work has been put into it. great job
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wiz pfp
be a good person and buy all of scoop cards that i have bought. thank you for your service
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wiz pfp
might be that time for another mandated round?
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wiz pfp
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wiz pfp
this is what peak performance looks like
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wiz pfp
great job
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wiz pfp
i want something like rainbow wallet but just the browser. everything else is noise
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wiz pfp
native wallet ux is still far superior to anything else. embedded wallets, sign in with farc, all of them. overtime people will adopt and get used to native wallet ux like they did with all new technology in the past. @rainbow is very close
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wiz pfp
Claiming my /scoop profile with address: 0x644f44554A9662D8aEaB111F52fEb2445655af27 let the scoop wars begin 🍦
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wiz pfp
the browser is really good! i feel like you can show my favorites (or recent browser history) right when i open the app. i care less about seeing my collectibles
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wiz pfp
has a compensation election ever been tried? i like it because it's directionally futarchish without all the liquidity problems, and forces voters to pay out the losing side any "losses" the passing of a proposal would cause nouns would be much more efficient if voting had a cost https://www.pnas.org/doi/epdf/10.1073/pnas.0609866104
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