winnie pfp



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winnie pfp
nominated three amazing @blocktower founders @tyhunnny @corbin.eth @downonly 💚 💚 💚
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winnie pfp
i wish there was more context around streams + airdrops + rewards that get sent to our wallets. i sometimes get tipped small amounts on various platforms, or receive referral rewards for being the first minter/curator... but i am unable to recognize exactly where each of these rewards are coming from in my wallet UI.
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winnie pfp
finally unpacked my r1, and extremely underwhelmed by it. - awful onboarding experience - super clunky UX - very few integrations at launch (only Uber, DoorDash, Spotify, and midjourney). I expected more given the promo video. the best thing that came with the r1 is the free perplexity pro subscription.
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winnie pfp
gm Miami 🌴🌴
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winnie pfp
what a great way to kick off /aapi month by bringing together such a great group of gals yday! Betty and Claire, you crushed it. 🌸 particularly loved seeing some of my favorite AAPI brands such as omsom, immieats, flybyjing, herocosmetics, kimlyparc, and many more thoughtfully curated goodies!! 🎁
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winnie pfp
NEED. I probably have 0.1 eth idle on so many random apps that I’ve tested. a banger today from @0xdesigner
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winnie pfp
I would move back to California for Philz. had it scheduled to be delivered this morning before /farcon !!!!!!! ☕️☕️
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winnie pfp
/snackcaster fam, i'm SO excited for farcon... mostly because i get to make my bi-annual erewhon trek 🍪 🧃 🍟 please hit me with your new fave erewhon snacks, drinks, must-eats 👇
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winnie pfp
if u like shrimp chips, I raise you crab chips. So good. Finished in one sitting. It’s perfectly crunchy. Flavorful but not too salty. Fun to eat!
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winnie pfp
the Farcaster stack powering Farcon !!! everything from nft passes, on chain commerce and merch, token gated group chats, crypto payments, onchain music and art, and more 👇
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winnie pfp
maybe it's because I haven't been to a crypto conference in like two years, but i love that we are embedding crypto primitives into every part of farcon. - from signing up & minting my farcon pass - seamlessly rsvp-ing to events (via frames) that are gated based on my nft + other onchain communities i’m a part of
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winnie pfp
underrated feature on warpcast: getting a notification after you mint something, and then being able to click on it to see which of your homies also minted.
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winnie pfp
you’re either sending a hundred voice notes a day or hate it with passion. there’s no in between. who are you?!
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winnie pfp
💀💀 @edmondlau.eth, this killed me this morning lol
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winnie pfp
if you’re interested in onchain commerce and want to better engage with some of your favorite brands (eg rare beauty, ouai, topicals, juneshine), download the new @tyb app! DM @tyhunnny or me with any product feedback / thoughts / ideas. All feedback welcome!! 🙏
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winnie pfp
anyone else mint Austin by Dasha on @sound-xyz before it went super viral on TikTok?! @drakula
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winnie pfp
love seeing the social interactions and relevance of specific tokens on @interface via the Farcaster index! I feel like i know a lil bit too much about everyone. while this is already all onchain, it’s the ability to so easily view everyone’s activities and holdings feels a tad intrusive but fun lol.
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winnie pfp
Souvla greek yogurt = the most elite snack ever. flew all the way from nyc to have this.
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winnie pfp
not sure how but I ended up in a rabbit hole looking into the menu from the last 10 masters champions dinners, but John rahmn’s menu kinda slapped. (sorry if this is not your typical /golf channel content, but I had to share 😋)
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winnie pfp
if you’re interested in the intersection of real world quests x AI x earning, check out sidequest. They’re hiring a founding engineer 👇
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