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I'm starting to get the sense that the more tooling gets decentralized and democtortized to users of the internet (self-custody, AI, Farcaster Clients, Farcaster Channels, etc.) the onus on ones accountability is going to increase. Less blaming of others and more looking into the self.
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Love reading concise reflections on someone's experience. Insight on someone's attempts at doing and executing is valuable, appreciate @yb for writing this up and continuing write.
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Just browsed my home feed and trending feed for a couple of minutes. And it feels like I am interacting with any other social media app (enjoying reading thoughts and conversations that are not about prices/coins) with the addition of having features only available in crypto. Hoping this is the future direction.
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Finished reading @zen 's lastest substack post (great read, he made a frame for it). Would be cool to see a farcaster sub gifting option natively using crypto rails, where you can @ someone and gift them a sub. Sub gifting would be a nice reward for users from users. Don't know how much of a nightmare that is to build.
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