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Toady Hawk 🟡🎩 ᖽ  pfp
Toady Hawk 🟡🎩 ᖽ
Congrats on the clean skelly and welcome to Nouns, @willyogo! What made you want to join? ⌐◨-◨
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willywonka.eth🎩⌐◨-◨🌈 pfp
Thanks @toadyhawk.eth! Heads up it’s a long story, but I’m happy to share it for anyone that’s interested. shoutout to @skateboard for turning me onto nouns a while ago. Sky and it became my favorite NFT project because I love DAOs and I love the idea of funding ideas and it was really.. 1/
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willywonka.eth🎩⌐◨-◨🌈 pfp
the first NFT project that made sense to me. I almost won a sweet dino noun last year at ETHDenver in a scavenger hunt from @ricburton, but the competition was canceled due to lack of participation 😭i had assembled a team w/ a multisig and I'm pretty sure we were the only team that had found every clue. 2/
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willywonka.eth🎩⌐◨-◨🌈 pfp
dang it, typo in the first post 😂 blowing my first impression with the nouns community. wanted to give @sky a shoutout for getting me excited about nouns early on too. and then meant to say "It instantly became my favorite NFT project..."
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