David pfp



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​woj pfp
announcement time: super is joining warpcast we are joining forces with @dwr.eth and @v to build farcaster into the most important social network on the planet, together farcaster has never been stronger and i’m grateful for everyone who helped us get here below is the story and what is happening next
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David pfp
check out your Ⓜ️oxie portfolio by @degenfans
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David pfp
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
One way to look at the possible effects of deepfakes in politics is to look at "shallow fakes" that have been possible for a long time. For example, this screenshot purporting to be a "you're free to say whatever nasty stuff you want" whitelist for twitter. I actually have no idea if this is real or fake, but there definitely are some people who are treating it as real, imo without sufficient evidence. And yet, the effects of things like this are pretty bounded. This feels like a plausible outcome for deepfakes in politics. The smart people know not to trust a politician's statements without confirmation on official channels, and less smart people get tricked, as they do today with shallow fakes. If something fake goes viral, Community Notes can help on the margin in making it clear that it's fake. Most normies don't actually look at this stuff in real time, and so the effect ends up not too bad. This is the strongest case for not being too worried. The place where I am *more* worried about deepfakes is...
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jesse.base.eth 🔵 pfp
jesse.base.eth 🔵
you're worrying about about prices while 5,000+ builders created 1,255 apps on @base in 30 days during the onchain summer buildathon onchain-summer.devfolio.co/projects
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Hades pfp
You've left so soon...
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
There's a fascinating analogy between coding in python using hyper-optimized vectorized libraries (numpy, cupy, torch...), and living in Singapore. In python, whatever you're not vectorizing takes the longest, even if it's utterly trivial. Literally picking merkle branches out of a pre-built tree is taking me longer than an entire fast fourier transform. In Singapore, whatever you get from international brands (as opposed to eg. hawker centers) is the most expensive, even if it's utterly trivial. I've literally had meals where the starbucks green tea I had right after a hawker center meal cost more than the meal.
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
When debugging a ZKP verifier, make sure to keep checking not just that the proof verifies on valid inputs, but also that the proof verification returns an error on invalid inputs (or with nonsensical tweaks to the verification mechanism).
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Farcaster should have (near-)unlimited length messages like twitter. Having used it for a while, I feel like twitter's long message feature improves its user experience and its usefulness for high quality discussion.
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Infinex pfp
GM super serious meme investors 🧢 In 24 hours (May 13th 0:00 UTC), you can create an Infinex Account and deposit USDC to earn Governance Points (GP). Over our 30 day Speedrun the Waitlist (/speedrun) campaign, stakers will earn 377M GP, a share of the Patron NFT supply, and priority access to future integrations.
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David pfp
저도 궁금합니다
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왜 벤을 당했는지는 모르겠지만 일단, 환생해서 한시즌 더 해볼꺼야 하다가 또 벤을 당한다? 그럼 진짜 안녕이고..ㅋ 착하게 댓글 잘 달고 캐스트 잘 쌓고 있는 친구 보이면 맞팔해줘 그 중에 하나가 나일테니깐..^^ 곧 다시 보자😉
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
There is nothing "ZK" about ZKasino except that it lives on zksync, correct? I guess we have to adapt; even "ZK" is now a mainstream-enough buzzword that full-on scammers are adopting it.
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David pfp
기린봉 정상에서 일몰
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강물 pfp
오메 저랑 비슷한분 여기 계셨네요 그냥 한번 웃지요^^
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David pfp
날씨가 좋길래 세차맏겼더니만 비가오네요 젠장!!!
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Yoon-ji🎭 pfp
영원히 나와 함께 있고 내 깊은 생각을 이해할 수 있는 사람을 만나고 싶습니다.
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David pfp
주말엔 모악산
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David pfp
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Lama Boo 🔵⛓️ pfp
Lama Boo 🔵⛓️
Onchain L3 will allow to launch fully onchain products with ultra cheap transactions that instantly complete, with ETH as a native currency Stakers of $onchain coin will receive revenue from chain fees and $onchain products. Chain Game and Onchain Score will form the initial user base for Onchain L3
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