Charlie Harrington pfp
Charlie Harrington
Should a todo list due date be the actual due date or the date you plan to do the task?
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boop pfp
due date date you plan to do the task is more intuitive on a calendar or another sublist of todos โ†’ "02/15 Tasks" imo
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Semui pfp
Iโ€™m in the actual due date camp. If the date isnโ€™t real I almost never end up doing it by the planned date ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
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greys โ†‘ @ fc pfp
greys โ†‘ @ fc
The date you report to yourself how little youโ€™ve done for that task.
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coachcoale.eth ๐ŸŽฉ pfp
coachcoale.eth ๐ŸŽฉ
Great q for coaching
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boop pfp
due date date you plan to do the task is more intuitive on a calendar or another sublist of todos โ†’ "02/15 Tasks" imo
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robeee @farcon pfp
robeee @farcon
When you start the task helps with time boxing and understanding the workload along side my other tasks.
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