Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Semi-regular Warpcast annoyances thread If you were BDFOWF, what would you have us work on? Ideally it's specific and small-ish, i.e. "add video" is not that useful :) BDFOWF = benevolent dictator for one warpcast feature
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Charlie Harrington pfp
Charlie Harrington
I turned off “ten new trending” notification but I still get it. And it also shows up twice every time.
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Goksu Toprak pfp
Goksu Toprak
Have you logged in to the mobile app with a different account before by any chance? We had a bug in which we didn't clear tokens on sign-out, likely you may getting the notification for that account. (We don't send "trending casts" notifications for active users)
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