Charlie Harrington pfp
Charlie Harrington
⌆ Downloaded and played new Zelda for 30 minutes yesterday. Semi-regret not finishing BotW. But no sense in being a completionist when you can sorta fly in this new one.
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pal 🟪 pfp
pal 🟪
How far did you get in BotW?
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Max Jackson 🎩 /muse pfp
Max Jackson 🎩 /muse
So you're saying you beat BotW but not full completion? I think my favorite aspect of that game is the lack of pressure to achieve that.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
I'm proud to say I completed 100% of BotW during COVID pre-FC.
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franco pfp
wow i thought it was coming out at the end of the year. Good news!
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