Wes K pfp

Wes K


84 Following

Wes K pfp
Wes K
1. I underestimated the price 2. ✅ 3. Calls via FaceTime are more immersive, yes, but infinite screens + spatial computing aspects were more prominent https://warpcast.com/wesk/0x7044a7
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Wes K pfp
Wes K
Asking for a friend https://warpcast.com/wesk/0x81aed8
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Wes K pfp
Wes K
Are quote casts supported on Farcaster?
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Wes K pfp
Wes K
Quick update that we just released a new version of Syne Tune, an open-source library for hyperparameter optimization and algorithm tuning. Highlights: 1) new visualization tools, 2) a new backoff decorator for scheduling SageMaker training jobs, and 3) support for NSGA-2 https://github.com/awslabs/syne-tune
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Wes K pfp
Wes K
Anyone working with LLMs here? (Fine-tuning, etc - not just hitting existing APIs)
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Wes K pfp
Wes K
Good vibes here on FC!
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Wes K pfp
Wes K
Just noticed my blender has the word “Align” printed on it 🤖 You know what this means…
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Wes K pfp
Wes K
I applaud whoever named this app Farcaster and hope that the Hyperion reference is intentional https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farcaster
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Wes K pfp
Wes K
Sending out the bat signal, seeking recommendations for good tech meetups and groups in Berlin!
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