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sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root / pfp
sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /
99% of people don't care about privacy til they realise that privacy is a core principle to pay attention to. Privacy isn't just a luxury for the paranoid; it's the safeguard against a future where ur every move is a commodity sold to the highest bidder. Wake up now before ur every click becomes someone else's paycheck
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WebOfTrustβœ¨πŸ”΄ pfp
even in day to day life, talk about privacy and either you are reffer as "that nerd guy" or "you think too much", worse case, "NSA already see everything" so whats the point. Simple as using vpn, duckduckgo, bitwarden, protonmail/tutamail, reading before accpeting cookies goes a long way.
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