The number 1 UX grievance with MM is likely the prompt for network change. Especially as dapps insist on this immediately (on read), rather than on tx (on write). Is there a reason MM is set up that way, beyond legacy? i.e. with "connect wallet" there is a privacy purpose. Is this similar here? @danfinlay @m0nt0y4
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Christian Montoya 🦊
Legacy. Stay tuned, we are working on improving this :)
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Exciting! I know speaking for myself, I sometimes switch to the bunny just so the fox doesn't prompt me ~10x in a row when I swap back-and-forth between networks to check some data. So I could see a smoother network change flow changing my patterns, and would expect the same for other people.
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Given it's fixed, would you move to MM from bunny ?
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Probably not in full. Bunny has two remaining advantages: the web extension UI truly is more spacious, easy to read, accessible... and the speed. It's blazingly fast compared to fox. That being said, I dualwield fox and bunny, and only fox for my hot wallets (I trust MM engineers with security, Rabby less so).
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