Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp

Jaime Rodriguez Jr


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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
As we move towards rebuilding, it's important for us to understand what makes a home healthy, comfortable, and efficient. The Four Barriers - Important Protection for Your Home https://youtu.be/ratI_rIFyQg?si=vFDzX68o4DNk0vsU #EatonCanyonFire #AltadenaStrong #LAStrong #FireResilience #PassiveHouse #LowerCostOfOwnership #BuildBackAltadenaBetter
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
There’s probably nothing better than a podcast on passive home building with an Irish accent #EatonCanyonFire #AltadenaStrong #LAStrong #FireResilience #PassiveHouse #LowerCostOfOwnership #BuildBackAltadenaBetter https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/passive-home-design-build-top-tips/id1570100195?i=1000546722056
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
Great podcast on S1E5: How to Build Airtight Right Through Passive Home Building with Casey Grey | The Conscious Builder #EatonCanyonFire #AltadenaStrong #LAStrong #FireResilience #PassiveHouse #LowerCostOfOwnership #BuildBackAltadenaBetter https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/s1e5-how-to-build-airtight-right-through-passive-home/id1737517102?i=1000651999968
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
The Conscious Builder has over 400 YouTube videos focused on building better, more comfortable, and healthier homes #EatonCanyonFire #AltadenaStrong #LAStrong #FireResilience #PassiveHouse #LowerCostOfOwnership #BuildBackAltadenaBetter https://www.youtube.com/@Theconsciousbuilder https://www.theconsciousbuilder.com/#/
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
How This Midcentury Modern House Harnesses the Sun #EatonCanyonFire #AltadenaStrong #LAStrong #FireResilience #PassiveHouse #LowerCostOfOwnership #buildbackaltadenabetter https://youtu.be/Qq-3cZ0cbws?si=KSYVucLU4yR9j33d
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
Hello everyone, I received two recommendations for high-performance, efficient windows from a passive home consultant #EatonCanyonFire #AltadenaStrong #LAStrong #FireResilience #PassiveHouse #LowerCostOfOwnership #BuildBackAltadenaBetter OKNOPLAST is a manufacturer of the highest quality Tilt and Turn windows belonging to the premium segment. https://oknoplast.us/ INTUS creates high performing windows and doors that conserve energy, increase thermal performance, and reduce noise. https://www.intuswindows.com/ This is not an endorsement or advertisement, as I have not personally used or reviewed their products. I’m simply sharing a recommendation that was provided to me.
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
**The Commission will provide expert-driven recommendations focused on:** - Fire-safe reconstruction: Implementing fire-resistant materials, defensible space strategies, and climate-smart building standards. - Resilient infrastructure: Undergrounding utilities, expanding water storage and conveyance, and hardening power grids. - Faster rebuilding: Identifying resilient home designs and systems that could be pre-approved to expedite reconstruction and financial incentives to support rebuilding. - Equitable recovery: Reducing the risk of displacement, ensuring affordable insurance, and prioritizing support for vulnerable communities.
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
Hello neighbors. Did any of you happen to see this meeting on Climate Action and Fire Safety Action (https://www.youtube.com/live/Hp_NKE7dD6E?si=9Tn2QN6dT8LxGBwl)? It highlights the key design principles of rebuilding in a way that is affordable, sustainable, and resilient, while also incorporating passive home design principles for greater energy efficiency and long-term sustainability #EatonCanyonFire #AltadenaStrong #LAStrong #FireResilience #PassiveHouse #LowerCostOfOwnership #BuildBackAltadenaBetter There's more information in this UCLA press release, Supporting a Safe and Resilient LA Recovery (https://sustainablela.ucla.edu/ResilientLA).
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
‘It’s all a lie’: PG&E undergrounding perplexes customers #BuildBackAltadenaBetter https://www.abc10.com/video/news/local/abc10-originals/lie-pge-undergrounding-perplexes-customers/103-0ac622b6-70fb-4f8f-b42b-09d5b24d8a82
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
What is a passive house? #EatonCanyonFire #AltadenaStrong #LAStrong #FireResilience #PassiveHouse #LowerCostOfOwnership #BuildBackAltadenaBetter https://youtu.be/xLxwa-rwFP8
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
Another option for passive home information is the Passive House Institute. They are the pioneers of passive home building and have a different approach for modeling, reviewing work, and certification (if you decide to go this route). https://passivehouse.com/ #EatonCanyonFire #AltadenaStrong #LAStrong #FireResilience #PassiveHouse #LowerCostOfOwnership #BuildBackAltadenaBetter
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
With construction costs at all-time highs, California’s code entities should look for efficiencies and cost-savings that preserve health and safety while also noting that the shortage of affordable housing requires creative and innovative solutions. AB 368 recognizes that lowering power bills is a significant step toward achieving affordability for building owners and tenants. At the same time, by recognizing this alternative permitting pathway, the bill eliminates redundant regulatory costs now incurred by developers erecting high performance buildings, yielding another cost-savings. For the above reasons, [organization] supports AB 368. Sincerely, [signature]
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
RE: AB 368 (Ward) – [organization] – SUPPORT Dear Assemblyman Ward, [Person/Organization] is pleased to support your bill AB 368, a bill that seeks to improve building standards in one key way: adding an optional state-wide certification procedure for achieving high comfort and high performance standards. Specifically, we support certified Passive House standards as an alternative compliance pathway to existing Title 24 energy efficiency standards. The Passive House standard is well-tested world-wide. Moreover its high standard will abjure future building performance upgrades needed for responding to extreme weather. Passive Houses are allergen-free, smoke-tight, and fire-resistant. Amenities include high indoor air quality, heat resilience, outdoor noise mitigation, much-decreased greenhouse gas emissions, and lower utility bill payments for occupants.
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
Please send a letter to your State Representative and Assembly. "... we’re seeking implementation of a pathway to Passive House as soon as possible, especially in view of the LA fires ... We also need to show backing for the bill now, since legislation showing early support garners more attention and then by feedback raises extra muscle for it in the legislature." "Beneath this introductory letter is a template letter to Chris Ward. Copy it, fill in your details (replace the yellow highlighted text), add any edits you wish to make, and (if you have one) print it on your letterhead. Send your letter-of-support in PDF format to the point-of-contact in Chris Ward’s office: Silverio Rizo Llamas [email protected]"
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
The Bill's language is here. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/home.xhtml
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
PH standards are increasingly recognized by environmental and design professionals as superior standards, which focus on airtight construction and efficient ventilation, cutting heating and cooling energy use by up to 50%. States like New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania have already integrated these standards, demonstrating their effectiveness in cutting emissions and improving indoor air quality. In addition to energy savings, PH buildings are more resistant to pollution, wildfire smoke, and extreme temperatures. Their design—fewer vents, better insulation, and air filtration—also enhances fire resilience by reducing ember intrusion. https://a78.asmdc.org/press-releases/20250204-assemblymember-ward-introduces-ab-368-advance-passive-house-standards-more
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
Assembly member Ward Introduces AB 368 to Advance Passive House Standards for More Cost-Effective Energy Efficiency This is something we need to get onboard and get behind because it can mean significant grants for us. "Passive House standards reduce emissions, lower energy costs, and create healthier, more resilient buildings," said Assemblymember Ward. "By offering developers an alternative compliance pathway, we’re making it easier and more affordable to build sustainable homes and strengthen our communities."
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
Hey Altadena community! You might want to consider signing up for this soil testing program #EatonCanyonFire #AltadenaStrong #LAStrong #FireResilience #PassiveHouse #LowerCostOfOwnership #BuildBackAltadenaBetter Soil Testing Program Sign-Up https://mylmu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cPbcuINfjT4Gqfs
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
"Only primitives & barbarians lack the knowledge of houses turned to face the Winter sun" - Aeschylus
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Jaime Rodriguez Jr pfp
Jaime Rodriguez Jr
The Genius Of Hot Water Heat Pumps https://youtu.be/abGiNL9IT54?si=ZPLpsYIrbUzQAdpx - It produces more heat than the energy you put into it. Energy in versus energy out. - Costs can be offset by rebates, grants, and incentives from state and local utilities, as well as a federal tax credit. #EatonCanyonFire #AltadenaStrong #LAStrong #FireResilience #PassiveHouse #LowerCostOfOwnership #BuildBackAltadenaBetter
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