Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Protocol PSA We're planning to migrate follows to Hubs on Thursday June 15th. - For 99.3% of you, nothing changes. - If you're following >2500 users, we're going to trim following based on your least interacted with algo (i.e. you've never reacted or replied to the user). https://warpcast.com/dwr/0xe4c65c
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web3Gurung pfp
Dunbar's number is 150 which tells the avg number of relations a human can maintain with stability. I still dont understand how do people get > 2500 following ๐Ÿค”
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Michael Pfister pfp
Michael Pfister
Think of it more like a feed of information you want to consume rather than strong, stable, 1 to 1 relationships. Some people you follow might cast a lot less, while a small minority cast a lot. We could probably use a modern equivalent of Dunbar's number but for weak social ties online.
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