web3designer.degen.eth pfp



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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
This week i built - an NFT to commemorate the ETH ETF. This NFT blends the real and blockchain world. The process of creating this was complicated, yet very enjoyable: 1 - we bought a series of 3 IRL painting. 2 - we painted crypto simbols on them - ETH, BTC and DOGE. 3 - we 3D scanned them with industrial 3D scanners. 4 - we BURNED them all IRL so it exists only ON CHAIN. And filmed it all with drones too (will mint the destruction videos as well). This is the ETH one that we decided to dedicate to celebration of ETH ETF. Mint yours for practically on @coinbasewallet / @base / #ONCHAIN SUMMER https://wallet.coinbase.com/nft/mint/eip155:8453:erc721:0x96E82d88c07eCa6a29B2AD86623397B689380652
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
OK OK Friday's here. GM everyone. What's your plan for Friday and the whole weekend? I was planning on going SUPing today but the weather kind of sucks for that so i will settle for some art exhibitions with my son. How long do you think he will be able to concentrate on the art until he says "let's goooooooooo alreadyyyyy"?
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
The favourite thing i ever designed is branding for Vilnius Town Hall. It doesn't look as fresh as it did 6 years ago, but i am proud that i had a chance to design for the town hall of my city. Case study here: https://truth.lt/portfolio/vilniaus-rotuses-rebranding/
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
GM frens, a reminder that you can get my ETH ETF video NFT in the link. Almost 2k mints in less than 12hrs. It's almost free (0.0001e). We bought a real painting - tagged it with ETH logo - 3d scanned it with industry grade 3d scanner - burned it IRL so it lives only ONCHAIN. https://wallet.coinbase.com/nft/mint/eip155:8453:erc721:0x96E82d88c07eCa6a29B2AD86623397B689380652
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
ABLETON - share your default channel fx chains and / or best eq / compression presets.
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
GN replyooors. Hope we will visit you in your dreams tonight. Mint the thing we are burning here -> https://wallet.coinbase.com/nft/mint/eip155:8453:erc721:0x96E82d88c07eCa6a29B2AD86623397B689380652
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
In less than an hour we got to #8 by mints. Let's get to top 5 during the night? Thanks to everyone who minted! https://wallet.coinbase.com/nft/mint/eip155:8453:erc721:0x96E82d88c07eCa6a29B2AD86623397B689380652
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
You can get this video NFT here > https://wallet.coinbase.com/nft/mint/eip155:8453:erc721:0x96E82d88c07eCa6a29B2AD86623397B689380652 We bought the painting - drew ETH logo on it - 3D scanned it with industry grade 3D scanner - and burned it. It's ONLY ONCHAIN FOREVER. Proof of destruction in comments.
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
Participating in ETH ETF nft mint on @coinbasewallet / #ONCHAINSUMMER We bought the painting - drew ETH logo on it - 3D scanned it on industry grade 3D scanner - burned the original so that the only place it stays is ONCHAIN. NFT IS A VIDEO. Proof of destruction in comments (i have video). https://wallet.coinbase.com/nft/mint/eip155:8453:erc721:0x96E82d88c07eCa6a29B2AD86623397B689380652
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
Participating in ETH ETF nft mint on @coinbasewallet / #ONCHAINSUMMER We bought the painting - drew ETH logo on it - 3D scanned it on industry grade 3D scanner - burned the original so that the only place it stays is ONCHAIN. NFT IS A VIDEO. Proof of destruction in comments. https://wallet.coinbase.com/nft/mint/eip155:8453:erc721:0x96E82d88c07eCa6a29B2AD86623397B689380652
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
Congrats to my FC fren @arrotu for minting out PEAKS. One of my favourite NFT collections of 2024. A true gem in an oversaturated market.
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
why did we dump today? i don't want to read the news, tell me all about it degens
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
What are you working on today? I am working on a totally non-corporate logo today. I love that in design - one day you're doing a brand book for a tech company and the next you're doing street / punk inspired logo for a small business.
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
Remember - it's "nominate a designer" week on BUILD :)
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
Today i visited BLOKAS - they manufacture amazing midi hubs here in Vilnius. And ITAP of their midi hub in the creative mess of their studio.
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
ITAP of beautiful Vilnius
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
Frens, you know what to do :)
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
GM replyooors How are you today? What's on your mind?
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
Any other longtime RUNE (Thorchain) holders? Been holding since before the last bull. I didn't sell the top LOL
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web3designer.degen.eth pfp
Can THINKING be called building? If by thinking i am changing the way i build IRL, changing my perspective on things and improving the way i see the world?
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