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Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
Am I missing an obvious best-practice for automating db migrations in a db in a private subnet? Feels like every solution I have is tedious.
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welp 🎩🌸 pfp
welp 🎩🌸
what does your application deployment process look like? we run k8s nodes within private subnets and use ArgoCD which can run a pre-deployment hook. in our case, it spawns a k8s job that runs a binary we package for each release to do our migrations
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Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
k8s+argocd here; current thinking is GH Action builds/pushes a migration image, helm hook runs it. That what you're doing? Just feels cumbersome to make a separate migration image; I'd prefer to just call the migration in Actions or something.
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