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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Is there a standard Base ERC-20 factory contract on testnet that everyone uses?
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Jesse Pollak 🔵 pfp
Jesse Pollak 🔵
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wbnns 🔵 pfp
wbnns 🔵
Heya @cameron! If you need to create a brand new ERC-20 native to Base, I would recommend Thirdweb, which makes it pretty easy:
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
cool - so there's not like a faucet or anything that people use? deploying your own is the standard?
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wbnns 🔵 pfp
wbnns 🔵
Yeah! If you just need a faucet that will give you an ERC-20 on Base Sepolia, Circle has one 👍
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
THANK YOU this is exactly what i was looking for
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