We need few Sepolia Testnet ETH, around 7-10, for our deployment for over a month. It involves Chainlink integration to test the DAPP on the base testnet. Kindly help πŸ™Œ @saxenasaheb.eth
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Saumya Saxena 🎩 pfp
Saumya Saxena 🎩
@wbnns @jessepollak can we help?
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
Sure thing! Just sent a bunch! Cc: @nftfn
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Hello πŸ‘‹ @wbnns , Ser, where can I check? I checked my custody address, its not there. Can you send the same here pl: 0x605DE7E4FF3F09ea52aD2fBAFFAE151648258495 Thanks in advance. πŸ™Œ
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Saumya Saxena 🎩 pfp
Saumya Saxena 🎩
You’re amaze! Appreciate it 🫑
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