wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp

wbnns πŸ”΅


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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
Base is Ethereum
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
If you like based fonts, we just added a bunch to the Base brand kit :) https://github.com/base-org/brand-kit
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
Last Sunday @jessepollak gave a quick lightning talk about Base, based memes and how together as a community we're building to create more economic freedom in the world. It's just been added to YouTube and here's the link if you want to watch! https://youtu.be/eb-_QM8MZC4
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
Good morning, based morning (β˜€οΈ , πŸ”΅)
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
More resources for learning how to make Farcaster frames :) https://hackmd.io/@wbnns/resources-for-learning-farcaster-frames
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
Commemoration of: 1. Transactions on Base costing nothing 2. The next billion people coming onchain 3. The extinction of Tradfinosaurs 4. Base is Ethereum 5. The sovereignocene has entered the chat
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
Next month me and the @base team will be hanging out, hacking onchain and building cool, decentralized, open and permissionless stuff during Berlin Blockchain Week + ETHBerlin. Looking forward to meeting some of you that will be there! More details to come, soon. πŸ”΅
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
So good; non-fungible, tokenized playing cards created by @secretpikachu for playing fully onchain poker built by @julieshi on Base Based builders ship πŸ”₯ https://zora.co/collect/base:0x1b7c3daf7ffb390cee58b99ecb0107839e92520c/1 Collection: https://zora.co/collect/base:0x1b7c3daf7ffb390cee58b99ecb0107839e92520c
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
Based builders ship
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
Also, in case needed, here's the Uniswap V2 Factory on Base Sepolia testnet πŸ¦„ https://sepolia.basescan.org/address/0x7Ae58f10f7849cA6F5fB71b7f45CB416c9204b1e#code
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
By popular request, Uniswap V2 contracts on Base πŸ¦„πŸ‘‡ Factory https://basescan.org/address/0x8909Dc15e40173Ff4699343b6eB8132c65e18eC6#code Router https://basescan.org/address/0x4752ba5dbc23f44d87826276bf6fd6b1c372ad24#code Docs https://docs.uniswap.org/contracts/v2/overview
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
If you're building on @base this weekend and need some Base Sepolia ETH, reply with your ENS and we'll send you some!
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
I stand with Uniswap; the system is broken and it's time to upgrade it https://blog.uniswap.org/fighting-for-defi
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
Base is Ethereum
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
For token deployers on Base, we just added a new doc to help you ensure it displays properly in Coinbase Wallet https://docs.base.org/docs/tokens/wallet
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
The first Friday of each month we get together w/ @jessepollak and core Base builders for Base Builder Friday. This past Friday we recorded it and here's the video! Things we talked about: ↳ Base's mission, vision, and strategy ↳ Huge Q1 progress ↳ Scaling up Base ↳ Upcoming events ↳ Q&A youtu.be/1WHgL0PVnss
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
Based Builder Friday πŸ”΅
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
Average transaction fees on @base over the last 24h are less than 1 cent.
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
Later today!
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
https://base.blockscout.com is still available in case anyone needs to use an explorer in the interim πŸ‘
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