wautktbe pfp



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wautktbe pfp
Family members, check out this Story@StoryProtocol Odyssey tutorial -- 1combo badge collection Task link: 🔗https://odyssey.1combo.io1. 1️⃣ Complete the first three social tasks (you can pass by pretending), click jump to complete the verification. 2️⃣ Mint test NFTs on 1Combo, connect your wallet and select Claim Test NFTs to select NFTs for Beta testing. After selecting, click Mint for Beta Test to mint a test NFT. 3️⃣ Create NFT derivatives to complete the task After successfully minting the test NFT, you can now create derivatives. Click the wallet icon in the upper right corner or select "My NFT" to view all the test NFTs minted. Click on any minted NFT to explore different combination series showing various derivatives. If you have a preferred type, click the combination button to start creating derivatives. Finally, go to the task interface to verify and claim the badge
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wautktbe pfp
⚡️ $NDX is officially launched on MEXC! $NDX is inspired by the Nasdaq 100 index, which has grown more than 180 times in the past 40 years. This coin is very interesting! ! As the "fast version of Nasdaq", $NDX hopes to compress decades of growth and show the power of the community and Memecoin! Pay attention to the subsequent performance ca: 6fkt7bidv8dwqYG1EBUzESSqknC5xfRnzymffWekTdYo
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wautktbe pfp
One thing that impressed me deeply is that Movement co-founder Rushi Manche publicly stated that "there will be no PUA users, and only 10% needs to be completed to reach the airdrop threshold." This is also their clear understanding of the current situation of the Web3 community - why do people come to your test network? How should we view these users? This is also a rare understanding and respect. Of course, this may also be one of the advantages of young people. "Young co-founders + young projects + young communities" collide to produce a wonderful chemical reaction.
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wautktbe pfp
Movement's development path also provides an effective reference for other Web3 startup founders - if you want to quickly build a large and prosperous ecosystem from scratch, "being able to do things" is often more important than technical narrative. The reason is also very simple. If you can do things and persist in doing things, the community and the market will see your actions, give priority to attracting users and market resources, and form a self-driven ecological development. This is a "positive feedback" growth structure.
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wautktbe pfp
🚀Projects with a high probability of airdrops 1⃣ @StoryProtocol - $140M 2⃣ @monad_xyz - $244M 3⃣ @farcaster_xyz - $180M 4⃣ @aztecnetwork - $120M 5⃣ @berachain - $142M 6⃣ @Immutable - $293M 7⃣ @lagrangedev - $17.5M 8⃣ @solayer_labs - $12M
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wautktbe pfp
最近脆和x的瓜都很無聊 總歸來講,就是市場太差賺不到錢! 今天大家都賺錢的話,大家都無敵根本不會去撕人!
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wautktbe pfp
人,终究会活成自己最讨厌的样子 然后,在无限悔恨和撕扯中度过余生 小时候,有一颗棒棒糖足矣 长大后,再多的棒棒糖无感 以前的车马很慢,一生只够爱一个人 现在的网络很快,一生可以爱很多人 可是,都终究不是心中那个人 错过,就是再也没有了 人有七情六欲,三魂七魄 鬼有什么?无非就是执念
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wautktbe pfp
RT @MapleLeafCap: @WutalkWu 早期投资人简单介绍下,这种生意类似传统的Ansys / Cadence / Dassault / Constellation.…
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wautktbe pfp
《七月半》 今天是七月半,俗称鬼节。 道教称为中元节, 佛教称为盂兰盆节。今天是祭祀先人的时候。 傻哥想到去年这时候,就一大堆人说加密市场已死、Ordinal已死等言论。 什么样的标的才叫死亡呢?这个标的丧失了实际需求,并且在二级市场上也丧失了共识。
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wautktbe pfp
好多天没撸毛了,突然发现 Linea 的任务结束了?有点失落呢🤣
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wautktbe pfp
一夜之间所有人都去玩 @sunpumpmeme 了啊。 刷了刷推,全是合约地址。 还是玩吧?
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wautktbe pfp
RT @okxchinese: #OKX Web3钱包接入的第💯条公链是 - #TON !无需手动配置,可一键切换至TON,进行相应币种管理、转账及生态DApp交互。后续还有更多功能拓展及生态活动,敬请期待 温馨提示:请将App及插件升级至最新版本。 https://t.co…
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wautktbe pfp
RT @OraProtocol: Who's ready to change the game? 🚀 Join our special 𝗖𝗛(𝙰𝙸)𝗡 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦🔗 x @arbitrum AMA on 8/15 at 8 AM EST with @mkkb2156…
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wautktbe pfp
行情不好给大家送福利啦 巨好看的 @HashKeyHSK 周边 🎁周边礼包抽三份 关注 @HashKeyHSK 和 @0xadai 点赞,转推,随意评论 周一开奖 https://t.co/tESp8KrmSr
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