Ryan pfp



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Ryan pfp
You think 2.6 billion people should use centralized stable coins that can freeze any account at any time and the funds are not cryptographically guaranteed to be backed?
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Ryan pfp
“We need apps” “crypto apps” “Ethereum App Store” is becoming a pet peeve of mine. Yes some stand alone crypto apps are useful like uniswap. But REAL adoption comes when crypto is implemented into apps to improve the experience. We don’t need crypto apps we need apps to implement crypto. Same with games.
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Ryan pfp
How do you know? You see the future?
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Ryan pfp
Is there even anything else to do in crypto currently? (Nfts are also memes)
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Ryan pfp
I am bullish long term that eth will find a major market fit as a utility. That utility is not here yet
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Ryan pfp
2017 cycle happened because of new exciting tech. 2021 happened because of the fed/pandemic response (Pokémon cards and cars and houses and GameStop also went wait up). 2024 has no reason to happen. But we are getting a dead cat cycle fueled only by halving and 4yr cycle memers. It may already be petering out sadly.
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Ryan pfp
Anyone else ask themselves why retail would ever come back after 2021? Scams, crash, … they think crypto is cringe. I was here in 2017; it was different. People just kinda said “well that didn’t work” and forgot about crypto. They didn’t think it was cringe. Only reason they come back is for a killer app
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Ryan pfp
I’m going to be devils advocate. Those “users” haven’t opened the app in 3 years. They have $5 of shib that used to be $40. Or they just hold some bitcoin /eth and don’t care about doing anything else.
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Ryan pfp
The roulette wheel at my local casino has been spinning for 60 years. Doesn’t mean I should put money on it as an investment
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Ryan pfp
Investing in crypto can be dangerous to productivity. It can fill a void within you that strives for success. It can make you feel like you’re going to make it and you don’t have to actually do anything. Maybe it will work, maybe it won’t. Place your bets, then get to work on something else
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Ryan pfp
My gut says this time is indeed different , prices will be volatile to both up and downside for years with good projects trending up. Stock market 2011 - 2020
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Ryan pfp
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Ryan pfp
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Ryan pfp
It’s not going at affect gas prices on main net at all
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Ryan pfp
It’s a statistical fact
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Ryan pfp
Men are more apt to choose a job that’s less enjoyable for more pay (e.g. manual labor)
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Ryan pfp
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Ryan pfp
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Ryan pfp
No where, I’m not rich
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