Lawrence K.U pfp

Lawrence K.U


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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
Started working on the Firefox version
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
Also uploaded the video of last week demo of the piñata integration,if you would to watch it.
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
Ok so got one thing off my list of things to get done on siteSack for the week and that is updating now changes done locally reflect on your data stored on piñata the next thing now is how to make a Firefox extensions to start working on link sharing and further testing.
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
Hi guys so here a link to the demo,I posted it on the x wanted to post the direct video here but being a bit choked up here is the link.
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
Would see if I can put out a demo tomorrow
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
So today got pinata integration working hopefully by next week should starting working on how to integrate @basecolors to it and start working the actual onChain part of siteSack
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
When the economy is good is a good time to sell things when the economy is bad it is a good time to build things ~Phil Libin
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
So today was stuck on pinata integration and crazy part was it was the integration that I was stuck but the way of doing the integration so i decided on going with an ORM styles integration for siteSack
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
Hi guys made this soul knight inspired noun agent i call him noun #007 @seneca @sloppy
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
low key I think photography is a passive hobby I am adopting. BM everyone.
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
BM 🔵🔵
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
This week i added some UI/UX improvements to siteSack might remove the hour glass loading for a bookmark but the auto scroll up is nice. Demo video link:
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
A nounish cat going home in a nounish world. @sloppy @seneca
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
Finally back done with my papers and ready to BUIDL.
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
Designers over to you guys
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
Though late Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year made this piece the gift of noggles. @seneca @sloppy
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
Check Your Social Graph. Frame by @nikolaii.eth 🚀
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
Gm guys
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
This year I built: I started learning about how deploy dApps which lead me to make and due to curiosity and learning about how to make chrome extensions I wanted to build an onChain extension as an exercise which lead me to making siteSack prototype Demo video Link( ) and after demoing it to @kokocodes he asked me to look to more utility I can add to it which lead me down the rabbit hole of making it better. the project I am most proud of this year is siteSack for how far building it has being I recently added a linkscanner to help aid in detecting malicious links it uses an ML model trained on 10k dataset 7k for training 3k for testing it extract 25 features from the link to make predictions so far it works well and will continue to improve to be better at detecting malicious links the demo video links is below.
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Lawrence K.U pfp
Lawrence K.U
It is super crazy building this link scanner imagine searching the web for malicious links to test your system on. Like running to what people are running from.
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