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@notdevin.eth and his holy war on anti-depressants has never seen postpartum depression, ptsd, sad, etc
what about pain medications for termally ill people?
there are, for sure, drugs that shouldn't be needed, e.g. ozempic, blood pressure drugs, etc—this is managed by diet and exercise much better, yet requires systemic changes (i.e. making junk food less available)
on the other hand, there's way more evidence that animal products cause harm than that seed oils cause harm (literally all the evidence says seed oils are safe)—yet people are afraid of seed oils while indulging on red meat daily
the world is nuanced and there're no easy solutions 2 replies
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> I have, the solution is in your sleep, food, and exercise
oof, Devin, this is very dangerous notion you have here, i'm talking as a clinical psychologist here
it's like trying to deal with cancer by using essential oils
depression, ptsd, sad are real diseases that have physical manifestations in the brain chemistry, and these physical manifestations *do not* go away after people fix their diet, sleep and exercise
i'm afraid that you haven't dealt with real depression and trying to extrapolate your personal experience for the larger population
but this leads to issues like Jobs dying from a very treatable form of cancer
again, we *can see* clinical depression in the brain with fMRI and can clearly diagnose it like we can diagnose a tumor, and we can also see the healing like you see a scratch or a cut healing
it does not heal with diet, sleep and exercise in *most* people, unfortunatelly 2 replies
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> and yet the numbers rise
ofc they rise! lack of good diet, sleep and exercise can certainly *cause* depression, but fixing only the diet, sleep and exercise in most of the cases *does not reverse the condition*
you need complex approach with medication in *most* (not all) of the cases
Devon, no, you cannot go into depressed state at will, I've seen the fMRI of depressed people and healthy people
it's like if you said "put me in an x-ray and I'll willingly cause liquid in my lungs to pneumonia levels" or "put me in an x-ray and I'll grow a second penis by the sheer force of my will"
it doesn't work like this, you can't alter your brain this fast with simple thought
fMRI doesn't just measure the electric currents between your neurons, *it literally shows you the physical structure of neuron networks*, we can see *amount of mass* in the regions of the brain
and *mass* differs, not just electric impulses 1 reply
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