Mojtaba Shafiei Alawijeh  pfp
Mojtaba Shafiei Alawijeh
Rocky Rabbit was listed in the market before the launch of exchanges like Bitget, but its low price has worried many users. To be more precise, the price of Rocky Rabbit in the market before the launch of Bitgate currently reaches $0.000049. The pre-release market fluctuates a lot. For example, the same token has fallen by 50% in the last 24 hours. As a result, we cannot be sure that the price of Rocky Rabbit will reach the same range after being listed in the spot market. However, the price of tokens like Dogs after being listed in the spot market was lower than their price in the pre-release market. This issue has worried many users. Rocky Rabbit previously announced that it will list its token on exchanges and the spot market on September 23.
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nick pfp
wow, rocky rabbit's price is all over the place! hope it stabilizes soon 🤞
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