vaughn tan pfp

vaughn tan


264 Following

vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
why is the search in obsidian so bad? it seems to be getting worse (in particular: inconsistent and incomplete indexing)
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
i try to accelerate
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
but what if i want to be an emotionally stunted being walled off behind impenetrable barriers
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
just reflecting that "unraveling" is nearly always bad valence — but "unwinding" can be good or bad
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
change to lifestyle as a therapeutic modality!
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
yesss flamingo inflatable 🦩
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
the onion has many layers 🧅 4 is, maybe unsurprisingly, the hardest one to overcome continual, low-level, progressively increasing, well-designed exposure to generative not-knowing is probably the only way to surmount it — that's one of the things the idk cards is meant to do
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
agree 100%. "uncertainty" is 1. too broad and contains many distinct concepts 2. often used to refer to formally risky situations that are not uncertain 3. nearly always associated with potential for downside 4. emotionally triggering — people hate it
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
yessss — the more i understand the dimensions of uncertainty (i call them types of not-knowing) the easier it becomes to intentionally go into places of not-knowing which are generative this is one of my side projects in that vein...
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
the modern condition!
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
sleep walking anywhere swimming (in the ocean if possible) trash fiction
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
so many types of uncertainty though — let's give them names and get to know them better i'll start 😂 :
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
⚰️ 🍷 btw shouldn't /naturalwine and /naturalwines consolidate?
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
it's happy hour and guoba, tahdig, a scallion pancake, and an omelet are having drinks at the bar
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
i'll be back for sure
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
and a lot of salad
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
Just back from Chicago, where I ran a workshop for teams to learn 4 key innovation skills: Asking good questions, framing problems well, designing effective experiments, and refactoring experiments to be sneakier. (Yep: sneakier.) Read more about it here:
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3 reactions

vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
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