vaughn tan is in marseille pfp
vaughn tan is in marseille
Been tangling for months with nuances in how we talk about not-knowing. One thing that's now clear is that we use the words "risk" and "uncertainty" to mean a wide range of things depending on context. Two types of inaccuracy seem common: 1) OVERLOADING and 2) APPROPRIATION.
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vaughn tan is in marseille pfp
vaughn tan is in marseille
We often OVERLOAD "risk" with multiple meanings — I've written about this here (though the term "overload" here is a new development):
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vaughn tan is in marseille pfp
vaughn tan is in marseille
But we also APPROPRIATE "uncertainty" by using the word in ways that do violence to how Knight defined it (as unquantifiable not-knowing). I tried to unpack this idea here: (this is a draft open for public comment)
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