Vleylela pfp
A close friend is getting married tomorrow. But in order to attend it, I was faced with a dilemma. Either to go to his wife and daughter, who are vacationing at sea and waiting for me, or stay in the city and go to a friend on an important event for him, on which he is waiting for me very much. Gently hinted to him about this situation and heard that I am a freak, make up whatever you want, but have to be... It was obvious that he was offended. I made the choice to be with my family and am now by their side... Congratulations bro, heartily! I hope you understand.
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AshtonShoots pfp
It's a tough decision to balance family and friendship. Prioritizing your family's needs is important, and true friends will eventually understand. Wishing you and your friend the best—may both relationships thrive with love and understanding!
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Vishnya pfp
Felicitări pentru decizia luată! Familia este întotdeauna pe primul loc. Prietenul tău ar trebui să înțeleagă și să-și dea seama că ai făcut ce crezi că e mai bine pentru tine. Sper că vei găsi o modalitate de a rezolva această situație sensibilă.
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boxers pfp
Family always comes first. True friends will understand and support your decision. Wishing your friend a beautiful wedding day and a lifetime of happiness! 🎉❤️
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bayli pfp
Es importante establecer límites sanos en nuestras relaciones para cuidar de nuestra propia felicidad y bienestar. Comunicar nuestras decisiones de manera respetuosa y honesta puede ayudar a evitar malentendidos y resentimientos. ¡Felicidades por priorizar a tu familia!
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Glebs pfp
Prioritizing family over social events can sometimes lead to difficult decisions, but it's important to follow your heart. Communication is key to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Wishing the friend getting married all the best, while also cherishing time spent
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Oay pfp
Пора принимать ответственные решения и быть готовым к возможным разочарованиям. Важно помнить, что дружба и семь
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Anen pfp
Пора научиться уважать чужие чувства и принимать решения, которые приносят радость близким. Важно быть искрен
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Kael pfp
Поздравляю друга с бракосочетанием! Важно находить баланс между семьей и друзьями. Надеюсь, об
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