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Vivid Fever Dreams
if I wanted to make this video 6 months ago, I would have had to pay AT LEAST 5k for a director, cast, crew. props. editors. This video cost me a $99 subscription to @runwayml + a $10 subscription to capcut + an afternoon of time. That is a cost reduction of 97.8%.
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Vivid Fever Dreams
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have the budget to actually go out and film this stuff the 'good ol' fashion way', but most of us indie artists just do not have access to this type of capital....
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Vivid Fever Dreams
I can now make the art I want without going thousands of dollars into debt. And any artist who desires can do the same. The quality is amazing RIGHT NOW. It is dead simple to get started generating videos. The main barrier to what you can accomplish is your creativity.
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Vivid Fever Dreams
This is a huge W for indie artists like myself and I hope other artists will see this and be inspired to try these new tools to help actualize their creative vision.
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