Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Hypothetically, would you rather have: 1. AI is not delayed, but the strongest AI, 10 years ahead of everyone else, is in the hands of a single very powerful corporation 2. All AI delayed by 10 years
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Ali pfp
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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
1 corporations are subject to board oversight, market forces, regulatory constraints, brain drain, insider threat and corporate espionage. the strength of their lead would likely diffuse over time. nonlinear progress across all human pursuits is worth the risk
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Shawki Sukkar pfp
Shawki Sukkar
1 if i am running the corporation, 2 if am not haha
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
Depends on the company. OpenAI? 1, send it. That Uighur face-scanning one? 2 Whitepill on 1 is that good ideas spread and invention & creative destruction are relentless. 10 years ago it might've looked like Intel had an insurmountable lead and look at them now.
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Giuliano Giacaglia pfp
Giuliano Giacaglia
1. Only if it’s Elon. Other CEOs can’t be trusted
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Thomas pfp
10 years is negligible on an evolutionary timescale, so it would be worth the wait IMHO (low individual/high social time preference). Realistically, however, I acknowledge that 1) would not guarantee the corporation’s moat lasts forever (good!), & 2) would not prevent future consolidation & corporate capture (bad!).
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maurelian  pfp
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2 reactions pfp
I’d go with 1 because 2 is rather impossible to achieve. I don’t think 10 years in the future AI will be owned by one corporation as you described. In the future I see AI incorporated in our lives in the same way the Internet is today. No doomsday scenarios, though.
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df pfp
depends on the benevolence of the shareholders of 1)
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Jimmy pfp
1. not delayed, competition and hackers will catch up
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grin pfp
tough call i'd like to pick 1 (huge potential to save and improve lives) but im finding it very hard to to think of more than 2-3 people who I'd trust to run this corporation I guess I'm strongly a "constrained vision" kinda guy
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Martin  pfp
wonder if some of those choosing 1 would switch now to 2 after the last weekend showed again how fragile and random cooperate governance can be.
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Nelson M. Rosario pfp
Nelson M. Rosario
All AI delayed by 10 years
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Spencer Graham 🧢 pfp
Spencer Graham 🧢
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Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍 pfp
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍
I think it's got to be 1 in all these cases. Maybe it's cheating, but I have faith that hacks/leaks from monopolist orgs would trickle the good stuff to those who need it. Even without that though, IRL 2 is going to be the same as 1, but on a lagging authoritarian timeline that don't think can be reasonably justified.
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PhiMarHal pfp
1. There's a good chance an AI >10 years ahead of everyone else as of right now would escape the confines of that corporation, no matter their power. There's also a good chance we will consume ourselves into extinction without some form of supraintelligence overtaking us. I'd roll the dice...
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Rafi pfp
2. Simply to have historical case of deliberate technological delay for posterity.
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
2 is an impossibility
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indy pfp
1. Innovation results in inequity at first, everyone else then quickly catches up
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