Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Regular reminder: If you see an article saying "Vitalik sends XXX ETH to [exchange]", it's not actually me selling, it's almost always me donating to some charity or nonprofit or other project, and the recipient selling because, well, they have to cover expenses. I haven't "sold" ETH for personal gain since 2018.
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timbeiko.eth pfp
might be worth creating donations.vitalik.eth and paying the extra 21000 gas to avoid the fud 😛
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0xLuo pfp
Breaking: Vitalik Admits Indirectly Selling ETH
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frdysk | 0.78% pfp
frdysk | 0.78%
Vitalik has to explain his goodwill... again
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
What are the typical mechanics of these donations? Bc it seems like journalists are not necessarily trying to mislead but actually just following your wallet activity — a cool thing that can be done with a public ledger :) Eg 👇
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
That makes two of us that haven't taken profits since 2018. 😢
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Blutoshi pfp
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Adam Miller 🎩 pfp
Adam Miller 🎩
No reason you shouldn’t sell any ETH
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notdevin  pfp
If they use our self banking setup they dont need to exit so abruptly. They can use their ETH as USDC and spend it straight from a credit card with an array of card controls or they can use bill pay tools and ACH out. Advantages: - no lockups on use of funds like a bank would have - tax events are controllable
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Squirtle0x 🎩🧀 pfp
Squirtle0x 🎩🧀
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Donh🎩🔮 pfp
People scrutinize your on-chain activities to avoid confronting their own shortcomings and doubts about their investment decisions. It's your life and you have the freedom to use your eth as you see fit. I personally follow people on-chain because of their vision and coding skills.
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pvt.eth 🆓 pfp
pvt.eth 🆓
America trust you.. keep building the future.. 👀👍🏾
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Matthew pfp
Knew it
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Ann pfp
I am curious tho how do you pay for living cost, and the whole tax situation (like why Singapore). But that's personal lol
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0 reaction  pfp
Did you know that: You can sponsor a Child breakfast in India for 30 cents. You read that right, $0.30 Cents! That's why This XMAS I'm giving back and going to be on the ground Empowering people with food and education.
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