Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Degen communism: the only correct political ideology
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2683 reactions

Venkatesh Rao ☀️ pfp
Venkatesh Rao ☀️
😬😩 Ok I have deep issues with this essay, starting with semantics degen = degeneracy = system expressing less than full dimensionality of behavior = tending to nihilism Chaos is almost the exact opposite. It’s maximal dimensionality. The fetishized stability of communism *is* degeneracy.
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annoushka pfp
Found out about the new article directly from the chain 🫡
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Nico Gallardo 🍄 pfp
Nico Gallardo 🍄
this should be posted in /degensxregens degens🤝regens
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ibi patria 🎩🥷 pfp
ibi patria 🎩🥷
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BORED 🥱 pfp
I reread this 3 times. Will probably have to do so again.
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✈Yuri✈ pfp
YES. some feedback below Charity: this narrative was so profoundly abused in the NFT cycle that it caused a fissure between narrative and material reality. Solidarity over charity. Individuals providing mutual aid and sending resources directly to comrades doing work.
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themikeelf.eth 🎩 🔵 🥶 pfp
themikeelf.eth 🎩 🔵 🥶
This just in. He’s a degen folks 111 $degen
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joshisdead.eth🎩🍖🔵 pfp
$degen is the way
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Maretus 🎩 pfp
Maretus 🎩
I love this philosophy. It challenges traditional ideologies and provides a dynamic approach to societal evolution. Embracing chaos while prioritizing the common good requires careful consideration, so I'm glad we've got Vitalik thinking big for us!
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canek zapata pfp
canek zapata
we were always
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Serg 🎩🔵⛓️✈️ pfp
Serg 🎩🔵⛓️✈️
V is a $degen afterall
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Prosocialise Foundation 🎩 pfp
Prosocialise Foundation 🎩
Note that even the concept of fundamental needs beyond food and shelter as necessary requirements for human beings to become and stay mentally, emotionally and psychologically healthy, capable of taking appropriate decisions and contributing to society, is enough to change the paradigm. Please consider helping us.
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James Beck ↑ ✈  pfp
James Beck ↑ ✈
There are a lot of single-paragraph solutions in this essay that need deeper scrutiny (I don't like when people are called "good and bad actors" as if they are game theory agents). But putting up a bond to vouch for an immigrant is intriguing IF and only IF it doesn't lead to Qatar/UAE-style indentured servitude.
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S·G 🎩  pfp
S·G 🎩
/odegen generation 1396 $DEGEN
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Steter pfp
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lücas  pfp
decent april fool's
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Tavlius pfp
Thanks for sharing 🙏🏼 163 $DEGEN
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Keanu Cage 🔵🎩🤘🏻 pfp
Keanu Cage 🔵🎩🤘🏻
Platform for 2028???
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nettra 👁️ 🎩 🐈 🟪 pfp
nettra 👁️ 🎩 🐈 🟪
The IP taxing solution is intriguing and lucrative enough for the inventor. But I wonder if 2% is enough to discourage the patent trolls from hoarding patents. Patent trolls go beyond static rent-seeking and are actively destructive to innovation and value creation. I’d love to hear ways to reduce patent trolls.
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