Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Mini-thread: against the "One Commandment" Balaji's The Network State (see my review ) has a concept called "the one commandment": a new startup society should have one key moral value that differs from the outside world. I argue that this is wrong.
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Instead, any realistic new community is going to have a complicated jumble of various legible and illegible values (and "vibes") that appeals to a particular group of people. And this is the *only* realistic way to define a new (or existing) community.
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Dankrad Feist pfp
Dankrad Feist
Interesting examples. What's the deeper reason if there is one? I would guess many of us find communities built around a single principle somewhat repelling, which may be a protective mechanism to stop us from joining dangerous cults?
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balajis pfp
Good thread. TLDR: one commandment is an oversimplification, but a useful oversimplification. One way to think about it: when you pitch your community to a new recruit, how do you describe it? Culdesac: car-free Kift: van life Praxis: vitalist Note what this is *not*. It's not an economic pitch. It's a values pitch.
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Alex Kwon 🔮🎩🧀 pfp
Alex Kwon 🔮🎩🧀
@perl #wokecasts #balaji #vitalik 🔥
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Jason — ⚪↑🎩 pfp
Jason — ⚪↑🎩
Is there a world where you are both correct? That the network state does have one key moral value, but over time and with size that value is reinterpreted within the state many times over
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Tayyab - d/acc pfp
Tayyab - d/acc
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
>I argue this is wrong Not sure "wrong" is a useful frame here. Feels like you both just approach the idea from different perspectives. him: absolutes, structure, convex you: nuance, essence, concave IMHO both are needed. Former for the idea to captivate & spread. Latter for the idea to actually get implemented.
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hillis pfp
At Cabin, we've generally agreed that "One Commandment" is one of the practically worst (yet still directionally useful) parts of Balaji's Network State framework. We prefer Three Suggestions—Conserve, Colive, Create—but even these aren't written in stone or definitive representations of our community.
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
@perl balaji vitalik
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Tarun Chitra pfp
Tarun Chitra
Really enjoyed the post and (to me at least) this was the first time I’d seen someone lay out the “limitations to exitocracy” in a simple manner — feels like there’s a good philosophy paper hidden in that concept that should be written
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dylan pfp
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grin @ farcon pfp
grin @ farcon
@perl #networkstate
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Darryl Yeo 🛠️ FarCon pfp
Darryl Yeo 🛠️ FarCon
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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
@perl network state
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agoston nagy pfp
agoston nagy
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lorepunk 🎩🪶 pfp
lorepunk 🎩🪶
The point about global negative externalities is a crucial one. We want future generations to have a beautiful whole world (and solar system!) to live in, not a scattered handful of enclaves!
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Jason Goldberg  pfp
Jason Goldberg
similar to the debate between fragile vs. anti-fragile startup focus in the last 10 years, starting super fragile apps has been mostly en-vogue (e.g. early on do things that don't scale - PG, uber launching 1 market at time, FB college students, Gas app HS) protocols however are intended to be anti-fragile, agree?
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