Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
@vitalik.eth This feels very counterproductive? Like, from an "AI safety" perspective, scaling current techniques to even bigger compute -> earlier superintelligence -> more risk. And from an "AI openness" perspective, it increases the divide between megacorps and plebs.
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Gribs pfp
honest question, what’s the alternative path?
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Les Greys pfp
Les Greys
I feel like this smashes very good with @vgr post today.
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BORED 🥱 pfp
At this point it just feels like propaganda trying to siphon American tax dollars to OpenAI as some kind of national defense weapon…
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:omer pfp
e/acc perspective: faster agi = better?
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matthewb.eth ↑ 🎩 pfp
matthewb.eth ↑ 🎩
Agreed, it feels like an absurd amount of capital for a singular entity to potentially deploy, corporate or otherwise.
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Lex Sokolin pfp
Lex Sokolin
This reads like ego to me. You can’t centrally plan the right industry structure. Imagine a $7T telecom fund in 2000.
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Martin  pfp
Counterproductive for whom? It seems you assume that Sam has the same goals as you. My take is that he overestimates his own abilities and underestimates the complexity of human needs and wants, thus coming to the wrong conclusion: that more power for him is also good for humanity.
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Trish🫧 pfp
I don’t have a wsj subscription anymore so read elsewhere. Absolutely no mention of the harm being done to people in the countries like Congo where the resources to make semiconductors are abundant. It feels deeply problematic and dystopian. Especially because isn’t he a hardcore prepper. Did WSJ mention anything?
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Nico pfp
definitely has room for opening that divide on the other hand, any investment in diversifying semiconductor production can be a good thing
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▫️Onyx 📚🎩 pfp
▫️Onyx 📚🎩
Perhaps the solution lies in leveraging blockchain to distribute AI's capabilities more widely - we'd be nurturing an ecosystem where innovation flourishes without being confined to tech juggernauts. Let's 'democratise AI' for a transparent, equitable framework that's aligned with wider societal good.
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bashobits 🚅✨🔵↑ pfp
bashobits 🚅✨🔵↑
it’s all backwards: “open” = closed “safety” = risky
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Metaphorical Leo 🎩🔵 🧾 pfp
Metaphorical Leo 🎩🔵 🧾
All ego.
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Joely 🎩🏰 pfp
Joely 🎩🏰
The idea we have to remember everything is not really helping, is it? Especially when humans are equally good at forgetting! 🫣
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agusti 🐘 pfp
agusti 🐘
sam just wants to have the cake, eat it too, and then buy a shit ton extra cakes just in case 😂
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