Venkatesh Rao ☀️ pfp
Venkatesh Rao ☀️
List of high-net-worth people on holy wars with varying quixotic factor (QF) levels Musk: "Woke mind disease" (QF: 5/10) Pmarca: Pessimism (QF: 7/10) Ackman: Higher education (QF: 5/10) Thiel: Democracy (QF: 7/10) Balaji: Nation states (QF: 6/10) Bryan Johnson: Death (QF: 9/10) Who am I missing?
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
How would you define quixotic factor here?
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Venkatesh Rao ☀️ pfp
Venkatesh Rao ☀️
How much the mission resembles tilting at windmills, which is subjective How much they’d have to pay people to care about their crusades is one possible proxy measure I don’t think any amount of money would get me to care enough to join Ackman’s crusade against “plagiarism” for eg
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Jacob pfp
My read was that a higher QF reflects a higher sense of idealism for the particular holy war (or perhaps, higher detachment from reality, pejoratively)
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