Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Cryptanalysis is fascinating because it's one of the very few areas where the accelerationists are cheering when the algorithms turn out to not work. (Context today: )
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Crypto is the mathematical version of, “Can God create a rock so big that he can't lift it?” “Is there an encryption algorithm so strong that it can't be broken?” No matter what the answer, there is one angle from which it's a failure and one from which it's a triumph.
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Jæn 🎩 pfp
Jæn 🎩
Well, I do hope quantum computers become available after blockchains are quantum hack proof 😅
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$neged 🔄 🎩 pfp
$neged 🔄 🎩
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Petra 🪼 ⊙ pfp
Petra 🪼 ⊙
If this is about quantum computers breaking cryptography, what is their position related to AI breaking it? I OH an AI might reach a point to do it. Might be just vaporware (for the forseeable future at least).
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0xqeew 🎩🔵 pfp
0xqeew 🎩🔵
maybe because its still early
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DT🍡💉 pfp
Clever 🧠
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Ashish pfp
Gm. Totally agree, happy Friday Vitalik
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Adam  pfp
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Zazza 🐸🎩🧾 pfp
Zazza 🐸🎩🧾
gm vito sry but just woke up gona read it l8
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