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Fryorcraken pfp
I see SIWE being pushed hard. It's like "hey Meta, you spent time trying to correlate all my identity to build an accurate profile? Let me make it easier for you by using the same identity on every app".
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
I think the point is that we can add privacy. This can include: * Providing an app-specific address for each app * ZK-proving any offchain credentials (eg. proof of personhood) that you want to prove about yourself
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
The thing that is important and good is making it possible for your ethereum smart contract account to be your recovery root for everything you do in crypto land. This can be done without creating public links between all those things.
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j4ck 🥶↑🎩 icebreaker pfp
j4ck 🥶↑🎩 icebreaker
we’re demo-ing the second point in ~30m here at ZK Day in Paris! check it out 👀 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h4-J3F7YGBSzauTCnGczRVzAJuFVP6yv/view?usp=drive_link
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Jason Chaskin pfp
Jason Chaskin
Sismo Connect does this
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dhadrien.eth pfp
We do exactly this! With Sismo Connect sovereign zkSSO: - each app has access to a unique id ( hash(vaultSecret, appId) - each app can request ZK proofs from account in users vault (eg ZK proof I hold a gitcoin passport) Try the demo: https://demo.apps.sismo.io/privacy-is-normal/artwork-lottery
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Fryorcraken pfp
I agree with that end goal. I just think we have still a lot to do re wallet UX. Even in Web2 this kind of UX is still clonky (e.g. anonaddy or simple login). I'd prefer if we push for better multi address experience, similar to what Blank wallet was doing I believe, than pushing for people to use one ENS as SSO
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