Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
@vitalik.eth I think that if you think this way, you need to have a clear story of what even is the goal of [whichever chain you support]. How does having apps on your servers instead of facebook's servers make the world better?
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Wigger pfp
Vitalik you're so cringe
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typeof.eth 🔵 pfp
typeof.eth 🔵
There are no users without devs, so if the devs care about decentralization, it matters. They also go on to imply that “users” are just price speculators. Very narrow minded view of web3, IMO.
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Adamtastic🎩 pfp
We need more ppl whose actions are lead by the concept of “how does this make the world better?”
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Vinny pfp
I agree. There’s a threshold and for most people more decentralized than twitter, Facebook, etc is a value add. However, most people don’t know they have agency… I’ve witnessed this first hand in college so they take what is given to them. Therefore, the ability to take your casts/followers with you is huge
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dialethia 🍖🎩 pfp
dialethia 🍖🎩
Well sadly everyone doesn’t share the same primitive to make the world better.
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Jason — ⚪↑🎩 🧾 pfp
Jason — ⚪↑🎩 🧾
It’s easy to get jaded when choosing sides even when it deludes you from looking at the forest from the trees
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lucky pfp
I think it’s something like ‘system semi-permissioned by ppl like us (Val cartel instead of tradfi of fb servers)’ rather than unpermissionable system Which certainly is useful! But may not be as useful for multiple generations (ie when sol validators become the ‘establishment’)
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
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LONO 🎩 pfp
newer market participants here for the gambling don't really understand what motivated the OGs to begin with because that wasn't what brought them to the space. it's not like they were reading about DAOs as a concept in 2012. they came for the money. they won't ever join a DAO.
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ManaAdd1ct.eth 🔵🎩 pfp
ManaAdd1ct.eth 🔵🎩
PvP environement doesn't care about crypto ethos right now but that doesn't mean it won't happen in the future. In time the market will mature.
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Prosocialise Foundation 🎩 pfp
Prosocialise Foundation 🎩
Here is an excellent framework to evaluate that. Raising awareness about it is the most effective way to improve society. Without such a framework we are like a blind elephant in a china store. Of course everyone is against everyone else, no one knows where we must go.
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Prosocialise Foundation 🎩 pfp
Prosocialise Foundation 🎩
The most objective and clear goal we can all agree on is to ensure all humans become and stay physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.
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Pepo pfp
There are no goals. It's technology that shape us, not the other way around. Maybe unfortunately.
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ɃΞrn pfp
He also totally misses that the non-retail users actually care a lot for decentralization. Governments and big institutions won't use a technology which is still in beta stage and where some central force ,which they don't control, can just turn it off.
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Funs pfp
I don't care about insurance, but when something goes wrong and I do have it, I love it. 99% of people hopefully won't even notice their web activity is blockchain based in the future, until they really need decentralization when something goes wrong and then they will be very happy that people fought for it.
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danny iskandar pfp
danny iskandar
Vitalik, really like what you are doing. ETH holder here. How about ethereum nodes runs majority on big tech servers? there is some truth that mainstream people who holds crypto don’t know about decentralization.
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Orli 🎩🔵⛓️ pfp
Orli 🎩🔵⛓️
$100 DEGEN
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DefiDrew pfp
Maybe it’s not about making the world better and it’s just about doing whatever is in your personal best interest Building on Facebook has risks, plus they take a huge profit share, can kill your app etc Building on public blockchains removes platform risk
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dasha pfp
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