Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
What are the best online tools for AI-enabled image creation or editing that have more interactivity? So, not just "you write text, wait 30 seconds, image comes out", but more two-way feedback between user and diffusion algo, ideally without 30 second latency at each step.
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Katsuya pfp
If text-based interactions, DALL-E 3. If you UI-based,
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ccarella pfp
Photoshop. For real. In painting is amazing and useful and the best application of imagegen right now.
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Coop pfp
Love this question. Feel like this will play such an essential role in the creation of short form content. What’s the intention you have in mind for how you would want to use the output?
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Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
Start a stable diffusion colab instance Set it up to output small images, at frequent step sizes, running on a powerful gpu (~ $10 / mo) Here's a general stable diffusion notebook but better exists if you hunt
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vincent pfp
@pixel is pretty hot right now
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raz pfp
Unfortunately online tools are quite limited in that regard. Your first, and best option is installing AUTOMATIC1111 and then customize it with plugins: (but it takes a lot of time) Thread..
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2 reactions pfp
civitai, leonardo come to mind. Allowing more control with things like controlnet, img2img
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Kody • Smoothly pfp
Kody • Smoothly
Maybe it's too simple, but using gpt-4 with Dall-E 3 does the trick. The two-way feedback is nice, allowing me to iterate using text. Still, when I make changes, the modified image loses important parts of the original.
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Tomu pfp
create something and bring it to life! I've been experiencing with Luma lately and it's really powerful if you're looking into 3D models as well
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Gilbert pfp
right now probably this
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
LCM - I really like this example from M. DesLauriers (offline and almost real-time)
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Creator pfp
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Gregor pfp
Steve McDonald is worth looking up, Toronto based artist who augments his “analog” capabilities with different ai tools. Unique style, using tools for augmentation more than generation, interesting to see. Think he has tutorials/course
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misha  🪨 pfp
misha 🪨
enjoying Photoshop AI-powered retouching, really powerful and fast
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Thana pfp
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PhiMarHal pfp
Weak answer as this doesn't solve the interactive part, but some form of LCM Stable Diffusion setup on Google Colab or HuggingFace is the best online setup you can get right now. When imagegen takes only a few hundred milliseconds, iterating is fast.
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