Abhinav Vishwa pfp
Abhinav Vishwa
What is a possible business model for Wikipedia? Assume that they have a team of superstar engineers who can build any iterative feature immediately. So given development is not a blocker, how can they make money instead of relying on donations?
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daniel pfp
They shouldn't make money. Should be a public good.
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0xUgly pfp
Information is paid per paragraph or per sentence or per alphabet or per word. The more you pay the more information will be unlocled.
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moreReese pfp
Generate and maintain enterprise knowledge bases using their infrastructure. Up charge for AI generated and curated content that is trained off their LLM but also provably encrypted so as to protect consent IP
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Jason — ⚪↑🎩 🧾 pfp
Jason — ⚪↑🎩 🧾
Given how lasting the brand has become, if they sell small batch merch it would do pretty well actually
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wake 🎩 pfp
wake 🎩
Recurring fees to publish, surface, and preserve misinformation. Lie to me, but pay a premium first.
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Mac Budkowski 🥝 @ FarCon pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝 @ FarCon
Doing crowdsourced paid research by wiki editors for companies maybe?
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phil pfp
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Maybe Im Wasabi〽️ pfp
Maybe Im Wasabi〽️
Subscriptions. ARR.
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Chu Ka-Cheong pfp
Chu Ka-Cheong
What’s wrong with non-profit funded by donation? Why do they need a revenue model?
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🎩 MxVoid 🎩 pfp
🎩 MxVoid 🎩
It’s supported by a nonprofit foundation whose purpose is making knowledge free to access and use. It’s not a business, it’s philanthropy. https://wikimediafoundation.org/about/
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{ Lawson.fm } ⭕️ pfp
{ Lawson.fm } ⭕️
History is written by those in control. Adding a price to preserving history risks removing all social pressures to get it right. Donations cover costs while preserving the culture.
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
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maxgrok pfp
Permissioned nft marketplace of dated pages? Trading fees on the platform from it while maintaining the up to date wiki? Just a thought off the top of my head. Wen wiki NFTs?
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